Monday, June 03, 2013

"Defeated" Church continues to administer sacrament as it has for 2,000 years

The ever liberal yahoo news ran this piece of crap about Rhode Island State Rep Frank Ferri “defeating the Catholic Church” on homosexual marriage. Defeated the Catholic Church? Ferrari was advocating the equivalent of taking the kids to McDonald’s for every meal. The Church was advocating a more balanced diet. The kids voted for McDonald’s. That’s not a defeat of the Catholic Church. That’s a defeat of common sense.

In high school the most shallow, self-centered, morons win the popularity contest. That’s all this is. I guarantee you the Church, like dad when jr. wrecks the car, is just shaking its head and moving on.

The church’s stand on marriage is simply that the term and meaning of “marriage” is not a creation of man. Marriage is a creation from God and is, was and always will be the firmest foundation for a family.

Ferrari’s bastardization of the term is no victory. It is another crack in the dam of moral certitude that keeps us safe from our most base instincts. As the term “marriage” is further bastardized by the Ferri’s of the world ironically, the ONLY marriages that will have any true meaning are church marriages. As such, the Catholic Church will continue to administer the sacrament in the manner in which it was intended to be administered. That’s a defeat?

Because now Ferri and others who support the charade of homosexual marriage are in the uncomfortable position of telling Bruce, Harlan, William, Paul and Steve that even though they “love each other” they can’t have a five-way marriage. Now, who is the bigot?

Once you go screwing with the original construct that worked for 5,000 years, you have a hard time drawing a new line. Why can’t Jim marry his sister? To paraphrase queen @$$bag herself, “What difference does it make?”

When we reach the point where most everyone agrees that we’ve stumbled into the absurd – maybe when Rex marries his dog – we’ll get the government out of marriage. Then to paraphrase her royal @$$baggedness again, what difference will it make? Harlan and Bruce will gain no government benefit form saying they are married. Then what difference does it make to them saying they are married? None.

However for couples married within the church, the term will still have profound meaning.

From the article:
"Noting that a church lobbyist would be pushing abortion-related legislation later that day, Ferri said the Catholic Church will always have some political influence in Rhode Island.

'They just picked the wrong battle this time. And I think it hurt them,' he said."

I don’t think the Church picks the battles. The battle is always taken to the Church. Because the church defends its position on social issues, it isn’t out picking fights. The mission of the Catholic Church is to spread the word of Jesus Christ. That’s it. So who picked the battle?


Anonymous said...

With 95% of Catholics living outside the U.S. and Rhode Island the smallest state in the U.S., I do not know if it even shows up on a map to the Vatican. In many maps the word Rhode Island is put somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, and a line drawn to a point where that state could be. I would place my bets that the Catholic Church is still doing fine when R.Island no longer exists. The Griffin.

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