Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adam Levine does NOT hate America, he thinks he's better than America

During one of 10,000 or so “talent” reality shows, some guy named Adam Levine – never heard of him – said, “I hate this country.” Predictably, Levine backtracked calling his outburst a “joke.” Oh, I get it. That’s funnier than hell Adam. Whatever this Levine guy does for a living, comedy probably isn’t in the mix.

Now when the IRS shows up at my door and audits me for the next 10 years for all of the obnoxious LB bashing that has gone on here for the last, what, it seems like a 100 years, I’ll just say it was a joke.

But it’s not a joke. When Lex refers to LB as a know-nothing, do-nothing, be-nothing, affirmative action, pass-through POS, it’s not a string of words meant to get a smile and a chuckle. It is the truth. Volumes could and have been written to substantiate each of the LB modifiers contained therein. Victor Davis Hanson, Thomas Sowell, Jonah Goldberg and others have written pretty much the same things, albeit with much softer edges.

The only thing funny about any of it is listening to the d-bags like the AP and Billbo O’Really claim not have had any idea what an unrelenting socialist creep LB is, was and always will be. The guy had not ONE SINGLE thing to recommend him to run this country. But the water carriers like the AP and O’Really were there to tell us, “Sure we don’t know one damn thing about this guy, except he’s half black, and it’s time we get this slavery guilt off our shoulders. Besides, how bad can he be?” Really, really bad. Incompetent, stupid, petty, arrogant, ignorant, vengeful, to name just few of the personality characteristics that surface regularly with LB, are not the traits of great leadership. They are the characteristics of despotism.

So sure, when the IRS, HHS, EPA and DHS descend on the compound, I could use the Levine defense, “Ah, all that LB bashing? Is that what this is all about? Come on guys. Can’t you take a little joke?” I could, but I wouldn’t.

So, do I think Adam Levine hates America? No. I do not. I think, he – like most libs - thinks he’s better than America. You know the type, “If we could just get rid of these Bible thumping, gun toting, heterosexual rubes ruining the country. This could be a totally awesome place I’d be really proud of. Why doesn’t everyone just hang out at the places I like to hang out, read what I like to read, watch what I like to watch and listen to what I like to listen to? If we had that kind of diversity loving society, America would be a great place.”

Yeah, it is mind boggling, but sadly it’s also true.

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