Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Little Barry clueless about the IRS scandal? Sure, that's believable.

During his presser yesterday, the ever shrinking little Barry said he was “outraged” that the IRS was using its army of government thugs to intimidate conservatives. I’d say “conservative groups” but that’s not all of it. The IRS actually demanded membership lists and volunteer lists from the conservative groups. Why? So they could take their thugish tactics down to the next level.

If the tactics of intimidation worked on some nameless and faceless organization, how much more affective would they be when the IRS zeroed in on individual members? Can you imagine the pressure on a guy running a small business trying to make ends meet for his family of four when he starts getting multiple visits and phone calls from the IRS?

Supposedly, all of the IRS BS was originated by “low level employees” in the Cincinnati office and LB knew nothing about it until the story broke on the news. Sadly the last part of that sentence about LB being clueless about the scandal is totally believable.

LB has never done a damn thing in his entire worthless life. Why would we expect, at this late date, the unaccomplished dill weed would finally come up with an original idea and have the nuts to push it through to fruition? More likely he was told about it. He thought it was cool at the time. Then, 45,000 rounds of golf later, he has totally forgotten about it. “Huh? The IRS is harassing Bible toting, gun clinging conservatives who Slow Joe said acted like terrorists? Why didn’t I think of that? Well, uh, that’s, eh, outrageous.”

But if LB was truly blindsided by the news report, he should fire his chief of staff and the director of the IRS for starters.

Now as scandal upon scandal mount one atop the other at the LB administration, Glenn Beck said LB should be impeached. That’ll never happen. Here’s why:

A four letter word J-O-E -- as in two blasts and a garden variety slap oh so Slow Joe J-O-B-S is a three letter word Biden. Can you imagine this phony POS running the country?

Rodney King – as in if you think there was trouble when the LA police were acquitted, wait until LB’s cell phone army rises up if LB gets impeached.

Last, Republicans – as in weak, whining, wimps. There are just a couple who have the stones to do what should be done. The others sit back and take pot shots – NOT at the lawless Dopes – at the members of their own party doing the heavy lifting for the country.

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