Wednesday, May 15, 2013

We're from the government. We're here to impose the new tyranny.

Teensy weensy Little Barry claims he didn’t know anything about the IRS targeting - Hmm, can you say “targeting” these days, probably not - but anyway targeting conservative groups. Then when the news of Eric the wad Holder’s DOJ targeting the AP broke, LB claimed he didn’t know anything about that either. This morning he will, no doubt, be surprised that there are two young children in the White House living quarters. Who knew LB had kids? Not LB.

The AP story is the latest in a long line of stories of an ever encroaching, power grabbing, liberty stealing federal government. And like everything else in the little excrement smear’s life, it is totally believable that SFB didn’t know a thing about it. That leaves a huge question: if the clueless one is truly that clueless, who is running the country?

Isn’t it weird how the press is suddenly interested in a LB scandal when it involves one of their own? Benghazi 7 weeks before an election was a non-story. In fact, to level it was a story at all, it was all Mitt Romney’s fault. When the IRS story hit, that was attributed to “low-level” employees in the Cincinnati office.

Yeah, sure. One day, over lunch, two guys in the Cincinnati office of the IRS decide that on their own they will harass every right leaning organization in America seeking tax free status. In that two government employees are generally incapable of scratching their own @$$ without a 10 man task force laying out the necessary government regulation for one scratching his own @$$, I don’t believe a couple of “low-level” government employees were able to find their way to lunch, let alone hatch a scheme to harass conservatives on their own.

Second, given the aversion to work of most government employees, how likely is that these “low-level” guys signed up for all of the extra work entailed in harassing the conservative public nation-wide? More likely the IRS bosses used the 16,000 new agents hired to implement Robertscare to harass conservatives than a couple of “low-level” employees signing on for extra work without the boss knowing about it.

But then it is the government, so it is totally believable that the boss wouldn't have a clue what his department was up to.

Now, in true ever expanding onerous government regulatory fashion, Grand San Fran Nan Pelooser thinks the IRS scandal is the perfect vehicle to repeal the Citizen’s United case and limit free speech. This truly stupid woman wants a constitutional amendment whereby political money i.e. free speech, is restricted.

Harry the roach Reid said much the same thing yesterday when he said that the IRS needed the authority to limit “shadowy groups” then let the cat out of the bag by mentioning Karl Rove’s name in conjunction with the “shadow groups.” That is essentially what the IRS is being hammered for today – focusing solely on Karl Rove’s groups and ignoring David Axelhead’s groups on the left. But hey, get ready for Idol and Dancing with the Starz finals because there is no tyranny in any of this.

In an article for National Review Online, C.W. Cooke exposes the need to be wary of politicians telling us tyranny is not a possibility, because it ALWAYS IS:

It is especially curious that the modern arbiters of trust reject the possibility of tyranny at this point in human history. Whatever one might have thought of the pernicious and widespread statolatry that cast the world repeatedly into darkness over the course of the 20th century, one can at least grant that many of those guilty of practicing it were unaware of the terrors they would inevitably unleash. Now, a cursory glance at a history book is sufficient warning.

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