Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Constitutional Convention time?

Several posts under, Lex makes the case that this government is out of control. Part of the reason that government is so out of touch and out of control is the insular nature of the American ruling class. They cloister themselves in Washington D.C. where they remind each other and are reminded by the lapdog media how wonderful they are.

That’s truly an odd phenomenon given what an utter wreck they’ve made of the country today. Broke times 10, divided along racial, economic and political lines like no time since the Civil War and governed by foolish, petty and often vindictive life-time corruptocrats, it’s hard to believe the ruling class (anyone serving past their second term) doesn’t resign en masse after apologizing very publicly for how they have screwed the country.

Then, if they had even an ounce of humility or if one pin hole of the light of reason could penetrate the dark dome of arrogance covering D.C., they’d agree to travel to Death Valley where camps would await them for a life of exile. There, as a merciful sentence for the unending line of BS they dumped on the country, they’d live out their remaining days mining borax using only teaspoons and ice picks.

Then the bulldozers would arrive in D.C. to demolish K Street lobby headquarters and any government office space not contiguous to its main government department building.

Then the air conditioning would be removed from the Capitol Building. George Will once opined that if the U.S. fell, its demise could be traced to day they put air conditioning in the Capitol Building allowing lawmakers to remain in D.C. through its hot humid summers.

In fact let’s take it one step further. Congress would only be allowed to gather in D.C. for two months out of the year. It’s 2013. Given technology, do we really need lawmakers in D.C. at all? Why don’t they go home, open offices in their states and districts and do their “work” via video and teleconference?

The problem is that D.C. is the Mecca for power and corruption. 6 of the country's 10 wealthiest counties surround Washington D.C. Why do you suppose that is? Power and money is pouring into D.C. As a result, Lex has noted several times on this page that D.C. resembles the capital city in the movie The Hunger Games – totally out of touch, a city of swells living off the largess of a vast country that the swells rape for their own amusement and comfort.

At the end of the post several under, Lex asks, what do you do when the government is out of control? When I think of this question, my first inclination is that bit by bit people rebel against an onerous and out of touch government. It may start when a MT rancher butt strokes a couple of Washington EPA pant loads who try to close his ranch because his cattle are grazing on land determined to be the habitat of the Northern Black Horned White Bellied Butter Slug. It spreads when IRS agents are routinely stripped naked zipped tied, smeared with excrement and dumped in the town square where they remain as a curiosity for hours before the local preacher arrives to cut them loose. And grows and grows until there is such an open and hostile contempt for anything government that the swells and their agents can’t travel without armed escort. Then the escorts start getting attacked as well.

But constitutional scholar – a real one not like the poseur in the White House who couldn’t spell the first two letters in the document we call the U.S. Constitution – Glenn Reynolds comes up with another idea here. Needless to say, while we share many of the same sentiments, Reynolds is a bit more reasoned than Lex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More restrained, maybe, but not more reasoned.
