Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Millennials are our best hope - really?

Robertscare is an utter fiasco.  The web site will NOT be fixed by Nov 30 as promised by King lies-a-Lot.  It can’t be.  It cannot be secured simply by the king waving a wand and saying, “I declare the King Doofus website for government fraud hereby secure.”  To actually secure the website would take months of testing by people who actually know what they are doing – something as rare as a legit Honus Wagner baseball card in this king’s court.

So when that date comes and goes with King Butthead looking like the incompetent lying affirmative action pass through that he is, Demo-Dopes will begin to see that their glorious king is nothing more than a walking talking stack of steaming excrement.  We know the pecking order for Dopes is: Tyranny before liberty; Party before country and their own worthless azzes before party.  So when the stench of King Azzhat’s incompetence begins to waif in the direction of Dopes up for reelection, they will dump their heretofore hero like John Kerry dumps his wife when a richer woman becomes available.

But here’s the real problem for the dopes.  The website is the least of their worries.  They are counting on young healthy millennials to sign up for Robertscare in droves to off-set the rising cost of healthcare for the older and increasingly sick boomers.  Sure that’ll work, because millennials have proven themselves to be the most responsible hard charging generation of Americans – ever!  Screw the “greatest generation.”  Millennials are our new heroes, and by golly we can count on them to save Robertscare.  If you doubt me, just look at the juxtaposition of recruiting posters above.

You’d think the first time they saw this ad the dumbazzes in this king’s court would say, “We are so screwed.”  How could you look at that ad and think anything else?  Three punks go to college to do keg stands and study puppeteering before moving back into their parents’ basement to sponge off their healthcare insurance until age 26, and somehow THEY are going to pay for Robertscare?  You cannot capture the stupidity of that assessment in words.  They supposedly don’t even need the insurance until they turn 27.

Here’s the thing Mr. & Mrs. America.  Even if the monumental mess that is Robertscare is thrown onto the $h!tcan at noon today, 5 million policies representing God knows how many people, have been dumped.   So on 1 Jan it is more likely that there will be more uninsured people in America as the result of a bill designed by the Dope dumbazzes in Caligula D.C. to provide insurance to the uninsured.  A bill that provides insurance to the uninsured, creates more uninsured.  You simply cannot make this $h!t up.

Way to go Johnny Roberts.  You’re doing a heck of a job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
So the feds institute rules and regs into the healthcare system, adding ten times the complexity into doctors and hospitals as was needed in 1990. Of course it begins to waiver. Next, the feds must save health care with the ACA (Robertscare/Obamacare). As the rail cars are piling up from this train wreck, Will Bill Clinton says we need changes. This means ACA 2.0. Any one that disagrees with ACA 1.0 or 2.0 is of course racist. Phones must be tapped and the storm troopers from the IRS brought in to quell dissention. No group of people could be this stupid. It is intentional. Again, they must kill the patient to save the patient. The ACA is toast.