Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cowboy militia routs BLM

The Bundy ranch stand off is over…for now.  Bundy has a long argument about why he refuses to pay the federal government for grazing rights so he isn’t paying anyone.  It seems to me he ought to be paying someone something for grazing his cattle on land that does not belong to him.  Basically, he’s stealing grazing rights.

That said, the Bureau of Land Management and the 200 thugs they sent to seize Bundy’s cattle while pointing high powered rifles at any American citizen who came within rage are a bunch of brain dead dopes and yes cowards.  Please do not give me the, “They were just defending themselves” defense.  BS!  Double BS!  You don’t show up at someone’s house with 200 strong armed to the teeth in tactical gear with helicopters, dogs, tazers, snipers, surveillance equipment, communications equipment and a motor pool’s worth of vehicles and claim “defense” against a family rancher.  You cannot create a crisis and then claim your reactions were in response to the crisis you created.  That’s a kin to, “I had to shoot the police officer.  He drew his gun on me.”  “Azzhole!  YOU WERE ROBBING A BANK!”  “Yeah, well he drew his gun.  It was self defense.”

Besides, unless the rancher is John Wayne, Rambo, Tony Stark or Clint Eastwood the overwhelming show of force is provocative.  The BLM was looking for confrontation and they were confronted.  When Americans showed up in force with their own high powered rifles the steroid fed federal BLM agents with macho beards and moustaches turned tail and ran away.  Chalk one up for the cowboy militia.  Chalk one up for the second amendment.

Americans across the country stood with the Bundy’s.  Not because the Bundy’s refused to follow what were probably lawful orders of the BLM but rather because the BLM is emblematic of a run away federal government.  The BLM who is ordered to let illegal aliens run amok on federal lands along our southern border draw down on American citizens over a couple hundred head of cattle.  That Mr. and Mrs. America is total BS.  I wonder if even one of the BLM agents called BS and holstered their weapon.

Harry the roach Reid weighed in on the stand off yesterday:
"Well, it's not over. We can't have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it's not over."

We can have non-American people that violate the laws and then just walk away from it and reward the lawbreakers with citizenship though, right roach?  Amazing.  No one sees the hypocrisy.  No one in the lapdog media asks, “So, roach, does that statement include illegal aliens?  Oh, and how’s Rory?  Is he ever going to recover from your repeated molestations?  Or are you going to have to continue to pay off your worthless spawn with hush money from the US treasury until one of you dies?” NOTE:  This has to be true.  I read it on the Internet right after the roach accused Romney of not paying his taxes.  The roach needs to respond.

Conspiracy theory XX-14
The entire Bundy deal is a further effort by Queen SFB Moochele to wean Americans off beef by driving the cost up to the point only the ruling class swells in Caligula D.C. can afford it.

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