Wednesday, April 23, 2014

This is the type of equallity that leftist libs hate

The Supreme Court upheld a Michigan voter endorsed proposition that affirmative action at state universities and state government jobs should end.  My first reaction was, what about all of the state referenda affirming traditional marriage that were struck down willy nilly by unelected federal judges.  In these cases a couple of judges canceled the votes of millions of state voters.  So will these cases get a second look from the Supremes?  I doubt it.  The homosexual marriage band wagon is the new borg sweeping the country.  In the true tolerant lib left style it assimilates or destroys all in its path.

The second thing that crossed my mind is the same that crosses every single thinking person’s mind when one of these cases comes up.  How is the affirmative action type of discrimination different from the garden variety back of the bus discrimination?   It is state sponsored discrimination.  Period.  Affirmative action is the true snap shot of leftist thinking.  We’ll encourage discrimination to end discrimination.

The Marine Corps used to celebrate black history month by promoting two opposing theories at the same time.  They would promote “equal opportunity” at the same time they promoted “affirmative action.”  When I pointed out the opposing points in the two promotions I was told to be quiet and get on board.  It was absurd and everyone knew it.  Affirmative action by design cancels equal opportunity.

The third thing that crossed my mind was how long do we have to live under affirmative action tyranny before past wrongs committed by people long dead against people long dead are sufficiently paid for?  Whites are due to become a minority in America in 2020 something.  Will it all end there?  No.  Government programs are harder to kill than Freddy Kruger.  Once established, they go on forever.  That’s why this election is import to unwind Robertscare before it is too deeply rooted.

It is totally lost on leftist that the solutions that they propose to problems NEVER solve the problems for which the solutions are first proposed.  Then, as the problems continue or get worse, the program itself becomes the leftist’s goal. Affirmative action: apparently no progress has been made on the most liberal of bastions - the college campus. Head Start: our schools get worse and we just keep getting dumber and dumber. Food stamps: rolls are the highest they’ve ever been.  Green energy subsidies: they blow up, catch fire and just plain do not work; energy is expensive and getting more so as coal is shunned in favor of solar and wind.  Sec 8 housing: still affordable housing problems persists. 10,000 EPA regulations: the Earth is still – what, warming or is it cooling again?  Problems persist or get worse, yet all the government programs designed to end the problem continue and grow with the problem.  In many cases the problem is actually subsidized by the program that is supposed to fix the problem.

Last, it struck me how many libs took the Supreme’s decision as a slap at affirmative action.  I wish it were so.  It wasn’t.  It was an affirmation of voters rights and states’ rights and said noting about the propriety of affirmative action per se.  It’ll be interesting to see how King SFB – Mr. Equal this and equal that – will respond to the Supremes telling the state of Michigan that they can have an equal admissions process to state universities if they chose to.

Something tells me King SFB is interested in Animal Farm equality where all animals are equal, just some more equal than others.

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