Thursday, April 10, 2014

It’s King SFB’s America, so here we go

Enough to piss off the pope
During his photo op visit to the Vatican, King SFB received a rosary blessed by Pope Francis.  It meant so to much to SFB that he gave it away cafeteria Catholic Grand Fran Nan Peloser.  I guess Andres Serrano wasn’t around to piss on it, so he gave it to Peloser.  Last year Peloser was told by Vatican officials she should be denied communion because she “persists in grave sin” with regard to her support for abortion.

So yeah, actually she would be the perfect choice for the rosary.  Few in Caligula D.C. are more in need of an awakening.  But I doubt that even a visit from the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ himself would awaken Peloser to the fact that abortion is the 21st century equivalent of the 18th century practice of bleeding sick people.  For Peloser and the Dopes, there are too many insecure women’s votes to be had by promising them free birth control and abortion.  After all there is a make believe war on women that Dopes must stoke.

It’s funny that Dopes call Christians anti-science.  Christians developed the scientific method and were the first to propose the big bang theory as a possible origin to the universe.  The bang of course was God’s will in their version.  Now it’s the Dopes denying technology.  Ever since the first ultrasound clearly demonstrated that what was being aborted was a child with a separate heartbeat, support for abortion has been dwindling.

It is an imponderable to me that on the one hand in the name of science Dopes can cling to failed computer models while denying 17 years of empirical data that shows global warming has ceased.  They are so certain the models are correct in spite of every real and verifiable temperature reading that they call the “debate over” and actually call for jailing people who dare disagree with them.  On the other hand they can dismiss the very real scientific evidence of a picture of a child in the mother’s womb, dismiss the sound of that child’s beating heart, dismiss the undeniable evidence that the child in fact feels pain during an abortion.  Now tell me again who it is that is anti-science.

It’s only going to get worse for the Dopes on abortion.  Ultrasound technology is going to continue to improve.  More importantly, science will make babies viable earlier and earlier in their terms forcing Dopes like Peloser to become even more anti-science than they already are.

#44 Calls King SFB detractors new KKK
There is a long line of people in this world that I don’t give a $h!t what they think about anything.  The older I get the longer the line gets.  There may be as few as a couple dozen people riding this orb above ground whose opinion of me I actually give a crap about.

So why in the world does what Hank Aaron have to say about anything bug me?  I don’t know Hank Aaron, but let me just say anyone who paints with such a broad brush is himself a racist or a fool or equal parts both.

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