Tuesday, September 12, 2017

2016 the narcissist Vs. the sociopath

The JG ran a letter to the editor where some local yokal put PDJT on his couch and determines that PDJT is a narcissist.  That stupid letter follows Lex's spot on insightful and brilliant response. (Is any of that narcissistic?):

Since about 9pm on November 8, 2016, America’s left has been spiraling out of control.  Their deranged response to the democratically elected 45th President of the United States has been like an unending reality show.  It has been one outrageous over the top reaction after another.

As the derangement of lefty libs intensifies, with the exception of the disgusting violence of the George Soros funded Democrat goon army, known as Antifa, the show has been somewhat entertaining. It’s been like watching Wile E. Coyote trying catch the Road Runner.

One of the newer attacks on PDJT is that he’s mentally unstable, a narcissist.  Okay fine.  PDJT is a narcissist. 

Sadly, presidential elections are largely binary choices.  In 2016 we had a choice between Trump the narcissist and Clinton the sociopathic liar.  The narcissist won.  Get over it.   

Sociopaths are the Burger King kids who want it their way and they want it NOW.  To get what they want, they will tell the most outrageous lies imaginable.  They will crush anyone who gets in their way.  They lack morals.  They NEVER accept responsibility for lies gone wrong or apologize. 

Here’s Hillary’s quick list in no particular order: 
Whitewater; Benghazi; cattle futures; uranium; travel office firings; private E-mail server; “missing” Rose Law Firm billing records; 33,000 deleted emails; rape enabler; sniper fire; looting of the White House and Air Force one on the way out of office; Clinton Foundation slush fund; character assassin of husband Bill’s victims 

With the exception of marrying well, she has accomplished nothing on her own.  She has the ironic honor of being a well-known feminist ONLY because of the man she married.  She has been able to force herself on the American political scene for the last 25 years only because she married well.  Were it not for Bill, Hillary would be third rate lawyer at second rate law firm somewhere.

The other less spot on insightful and brilliant letter:
There is an issue that needs to be brought before the American people; the issue relates to Donald Trump and has been festering for some time. It deals with a mental health diagnosis. Many in the field have had red flags for a long time. We have not been allowed to speak out because of the “Goldwater Rule” and fear of losing our licenses.
In 1964, many psychologists and psychiatrists had been critical of Republican nominee Barry Goldwater; there were concerns about his mental health. A proper examination had never been completed on him by any professional; all that existed was conjecture. This led to the “Goldwater Rule” – those in the field should not diagnose individuals without consent and proper therapeutic practices in place.
This has become a raging battle within psychiatric professional organizations. There are those who see value in the rule and those who clearly see a mental health diagnosis for Trump. They point to his impulse control, paranoia, accusatory nature, short attention span and need for positive recognition. These traits can lead to a mental health diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Those who believe this issue needs to be public point to the “duty to warn.” This is also a mainstay of psychology – it becomes a professional obligation to inform those who may be subject to an injurious act. There is also the position that not speaking out robs the community of the knowledge and expertise of those within mental health. There is a great deal of education and experience within the field, they argue; it needs to be shared and the public needs to understand how mental health affects us.
There are 10 different personality disorders, each with its own criteria, each well defined. They operate outside the framework of the some 265 diagnoses within mental health. One of the 10 is Narcissistic Personality Disorder; for me, Trump suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is a classic example.
I also believe the general public can make that determination themselves. The criteria can be easily found on the internet or the DSM-5 .It is less than a page of reading. There are nine provisions. After reading each one, a person should ask themselves, does this apply to Trump?
This is a serious issue, and I believe strongly we need to educate the public. We need to have a working knowledge of this diagnosis and what we should expect from our president.
Rodney Scott
Fort Wayne


The Griffin said...

Where does Kim Jun Fruitcake IL fit in all this? I venture that if he is not nuts he sure looks nuts. The more I see people like Wolf Blitzer and Rachel Madcow throwing mud at Trump, the more I see them growing resemblances to Fruity Kim. Trump is driving some of them to straight jackets.

AF Bro said...

And speaking of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

BHO's victory speech: "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."


