Thursday, September 07, 2017

Soros: a blight on the nation

It was a thought that crossed my mind as I was finishing a post on the Charlottesville riot: What if George Soros was funding both sides of the disruption? What better way is there to ensure that there is trouble between two groups?  If you can control the leadership of both sides, then you can pretty much ensure what they do including going after each other.

Well a day or so later, this guy, Jason Kessler “leader of the Unite the Right” movement, was exposed as a former Occupy Wall St. goon.  Now another “white supremacist leader,” Garon Archer has been exposed as an Occupy Wall St. goon.

So who is infiltrating who?  Are white supremacists infiltrating the Occupy movement or is the Occupy movement infiltrating the white supremacist movement?  When you add in the fact that “local authorities” in Charlottesville share some responsibility - for forcing the two groups together in the first place - something just does not add up in all of this.  But if you add in another factor, George Soros playing/paying both sides, the equation balances.

If true, what a brilliant play by the scumbag, nefarious, but brilliant. 

What the hell is it?  The Dopes use the term as a pejorative equal to racists, white supremacists, Nazis – you know what they call everyone and anyone who disagrees with them about anything. 

Well here’s a shocker, Lex is alt-right. But alt-right only in the sense that alt-right is an alternative to the party of the right, which is supposed to be the Republican Party.  I share nothing in common with the Republican Party “leadership,” therefore I’m the alternative to the establishment right.

What’s going on with DACA?
I have no idea.

What’s going on with the debt ceiling deal?
I just bought 5 new sporting rifles.  Mrs Lex was mad as hell and warned that the Master Card was maxed out.  I told her to just call them and tell them to raise the limit.  She said, “It doesn’t work that way.  You cannot just keep raising the limit.”  “The government does,” I opined.  She replied, “Look, you’re older than the pyramids.  When you die, Lex jr. and I will be saddled with all of your debt.”  My one word reply to that news was, “Perfect.”

That of course is a horribly selfish position on my part.  It is the exact same position as congress’s position on raising the debt ceiling.  Sadly, congress’s position on debt is not in any way surprising.  Selfish, after all, is a synonym for “member of congress.”  The ruling class Caligula, D.C. azzweasels are perfectly willing to pass the buck on our national debt on to our children as long as nothing obstructs their own ability to loot the treasury for their own good.

This is another reason I’m alt-right.  My thinking used to be, “If we could only get a Republican congress elected, we could bring spending under control.”  Well, we did, and it turns out they won’t.”  Ergo, I’m the alternative to what is supposed to be a right leaning party. 

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