Thursday, November 16, 2017

This is NOT about Roy Moore

It's about the Lefty Lib's new-found objection to sexual harassment

So let me see, if the media has been willing to trash the women accusing Billboy Billbo Clinton for the last 20 years, would they be willing to be complicit in promoting a Caligula, D.C. ruling class uni-party smear of Roy Moore. I believe that they would. 

I’m not saying the charges against Moore are without merit.  I’m saying the uni-party deep state weasels can and would try just about anything to kill off Roy Moore’s campaign and the MSM would happily collaborate.

Recall when Harry the roach Reid came out with the lie that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes for 10 years?  Did any Rat establishment Republican take to the floor of the house or senate to call Reid a liar and to name Romney’s fake accusers?  No.  The MSM ran wild with the lie while ReRs said nothing.  After the election, when it did no good, Reid admitted he is a lying $h!t.  And still no ReR offered one word of condemnation.

We know this is ops normal for the swamp.

So now we have all kind of women coming out of the woodwork accusing Moore mainly of being a flirt.  I see only two as a problem, the 14 year old and the 16 year old who claimed she was afraid Moore was going to try to rape her.  The others, while odd and creepy, don’t appear to be criminal, because of consent ages in AL.

But as promised this isn’t about Roy Moore.  It’s about the MSM and the all of the swells that all of the swells agree matter have somehow grown a conscience and agree that Billyboy Billbo Clinton was/is a sexual predator.  Now that it’s too late to make a difference, they believe the women who charged ol’ Billbo with sexual misconduct. 

Beautiful.  In the year 2037 I too will admit that a 30 something Roy Moore probably shouldn’t have been dating teenagers*.

Note*:  How’d he put up with it?  When Lex Jr. and his teenage friends used to descend on the compound, I enjoyed their sheer joy of the day and laughed at their banter, but I quickly tired of the volume and drama.

Note to note:  I was on a train once and was forced to listen to two teenage girls talk about everyday topics.  They used the word “like” like every other word.  I poked Lex Jr and suggested that we start counting.  Within two lousy stops there were like over 100 “likes.” How could an adult carry on a serious conversation under such circumstances?

So the Dopes, MSM and the Harveywood elite have a new found respect for victims of sexual assault coming forward.  Like the Moore accusers, their timing is suspect.  20 years too late to make bit of difference for Billbo’s political life and legacy, these people now agree that there needs to be some kind of accounting for Billbo.

As someone once famously said, “sorry ain’t good enough.”  It isn’t.  The people and news organizations who ignored and attacked the women need to cough up some cash.  James Carville should pay the most.  He knew what a derelict Billbo was from day one.  He should lead the way in paying these women off in grand fashion for lying about them.  Then he needs to call on the Clintons to admit guilt and dip into their ill-gotten millions and pay these women off some more.

Short of monetary compensation, their newly discovered outrage is just so much BS made up for the express purpose of being able to trash Roy Moore without looking too hypocritical.

And while we’re at it – okay, while I’m at it.  We are just learning that the great US congress has a slush fund to make payoffs to the victims of sexual harassment of the swells on the hill.  So the cretins on Capitol Hill who took about nanosecond to condemn Roy Moore have their own tax payer funded slush fund hush up their own depravity. 

I have run through my entire lexicon of derogatory Jr High level names to taunt these SOBs with and cannot find one suitable to describe a body that would tolerate using taxpayer money to cover up the criminal activity of their associates while they arrogantly preen and espouse their moral superiority.  Worthless bastards is the nearest I can get.

This Mr. and Mrs. America is unacceptable.  The accusers may have nondisclosure agreements and may not want their names out there, but there is absolutely no reason the perps names should not be exposed.  Also, anyone aware of the fund and thinking it okay to have such a fund needs to be exposed and reamed as well.

And these azzweasels wonder why they're approval rating is lower than gonorrhea.  

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