Friday, March 11, 2005

Getting a college education

I was watching Fox when they ran a story about college protesters disrupting a jobs fair being held on some campus. The reason for the protest was two-fold - A) Jobs were being offered - an obvious affront to any college student going to school on Daddy’s dime who has time to spend at a protest and B) One of the potential employers was the US Air Force. The protesters were the usual bunch - loud, either grossly over-weight or anorexic, dirty, unattractive with scraggly beards and long stringy hair…and the boys weren’t much better. They were ostensibly protesting the Air Force because the US armed services discriminate against women and gays.

There’s a news flash. “EXTRA! EXTRA! MILITARY DISCRIMINATES! - Blind quadriplegics need not apply. Read all about it!” Of course the military discriminates by height, weight, age, physical fitness, mental aptitude – the list goes on and on. After all it’s the military’s job to defend the nation, which often involves combat. For goodness sake, they’d better discriminate.

So our protesters for tolerance, in a fit of intolerance, shut the jobs fair down. Due to what must have been an overwhelming BO stench emanating from the protesters, few job hunters were able to, dare I say, tolerate the conditions in the building. So, most of the would-be employers packed it in. None of the protester’s peers were hired by the Air Force…or any of the other employers. Ironically, the brave Air Force recruiters, used to loud aircraft noises and bad petrochemical smells, stayed until near the scheduled end; said they respected the protester’s right to be there peaceably and then packed it in as the been-nowhere, done-nothing, do-nothing, be-nothing, know-nothing mob chanted (because none knew how to sing) Steam’s famous Na, Na, Hey, Hey, Hey, Good Bye.

Ain’t America great! - A free country where even the dopiest have the right to shut down a jobs fair on campus. My advise is for the Air Force recruiters is show up at the campus Gay Lesbian Transgendered Cross Dressing Metrosexual Queer Anything Goes Pride rally and shut it down.

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