Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Vegatables don't care if they live

There are a few peculiar things about the Terri Schiavo case:

First, let’s assume that everything that Michael Schiavo says about Terri is true. She is vegetable incapable of feeling, knowing or understanding. If that is truly the case then it makes no difference to her at this point if she lives or dies. That being the case, then shouldn’t we next consider Terri’s loved ones? Terri, being nothing more than a carrot at this point could care less if she lives or dies. Her parents however want desperately that she live. Her life brings them great pleasure and joy. Conversely, her slow and painful death will bring them great anguish and pain. So, if Michael is right and Terri is just a cabbage, shouldn’t our next concern for the well being of the living? If Terri’s parents are comforted by the presence of the cabbage, why must the cabbage be thrown away?

Next, why has the MSM, talking dopes (AKA talking heads), Michael Schiavo and the usual mob laid Sunday’s votes by the senate and house at the feet of Republicans? Well yes, Republicans as group are generally more tolerant of babies, the elderly, the infirm, the handicapped, and those with mental defects and their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - but both the Senate and the house passed the Terri bill in a bi-partisan manner. The Senate passed their bill in a voice vote – Scary Harry Reid called for no filibuster so it’s really all his fault. The house vote was 156 Rep and 47 Dems for and 5 Reps and 58 Dems against. That is fairly bi-partisan in today’s world. But no Dem has come under the withering fire of blowhards like Chrissy Matthews.

And, what’s with the rallies for allowing this woman to starve to death? I can understand people believing that Terri might want to die under the circumstances, but I can’t understand screaming hysterical people taking to the streets demanding her slow painful death from starvation. These are people who would bitch if they were forced to skip lunch demanding that Terri be starved to death over a week or two. This is akin to the crazies that show up to counter-protest death penalty protestors at a prison execution shouting “Fry Him! Fry Him! Fry Him!” It’s sickening.

Last, the more I see Michael Schiavo, the less I like him. There is something odd about a guy that obsesses over killing his wife for 15 years. Most people who believe what Michael believes would have long ago granted the loving parents legal guardianship to their daughter; expressed their deep sorrow, and informed them, that under the circumstances, we intend to get on with our lives.

Prediction: Sadly, the Clinton appointed federal judge will err on the side of death.

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