Thursday, March 31, 2005

Senate mid-terms key to checking judicial fiat

On the plane ride to Turkey last week I read newt Gingrich’s book “Winning the Future.” The book is compendium of the former Speaker’s ideas for setting America on a new course for greatness.

The one thing that really struck me was the section on the judiciary. The Speaker makes a strong case that our judiciary is out of control and out of step with the American people, as well as the executive and legislative branches of government. As a result, Libs are able to forego elections to advance their agenda and are instead able to pursue it through judicial fiat. Because Conservatives can read and understand what is written in our Constitution, an ever declining number of Libs in the Senate know that these Conservatives must be thwarted by the extra-Constitutional means of a senatorial filibuster. Failure to do so would cause the Libs to loose their last and easiest opportunity affect national policy.

Elections are expensive and messy. We the people can compare and contrast the positions of the candidates and vote for the one that best represents our views. Officials are held to account on a regular schedule. A doofus declaring “One nation under God” in our pledge unconstitutional could not hope to carry but one or two of the 435 congressional districts that make up America. Not a single candidate running for Senate could hope to be seated with such an out of step position. However, the unelected 9th Circus can make that determination and reasonable people simply shrug their shoulders and say, “Well, I guess that’s the law” as if the dopes that make up the 9th Circus are channeling God – oops, no doubt that would be unconstitutional – let’s say channeling Madison himself.

First, it’s important to remember that every judge is nothing more than a glorified ambulance chaser in a black robe - picture Johnny Edwards on the Supreme Court here. Judges, as the 9th Circus proves, in many cases are nothing more than Libs frustrated at the 20 plus year decline in the Democrat Party. Many are partisan hacks too ugly or out of touch to win an election. So they state their opinion and call it the law. In doing so, they ignore the will of the people and their supposedly co-equal branches of government.

Sadly, it is very difficult to unseat an unelected dope once elected dopes seat the unelected dope on a federal court. You are more likely to be struck by lightening – twice – while holding the winning mega bucks ticket at the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow than be impeached as a federal judge. Overriding a poor decision, such gay marriage, may require Constitutional amendment. That requires 290 representatives, 66 senators and 38 states. It is, by design, a long and tedious process. But five dopes in robes on the Supreme Court can say the Constitution requires a “separation of church and state” and it is so. Now that may be the will of the people or what the justices think the Constitution ought to say, but, in its current state, the Constitution doesn’t say that – like Dred Scott only the court says so. We cannot rely on a Constitutional amendment for every dopy idea the 9th Circus comes up with and the Supremes refuse to reverse.

The way to keep dopes off the bench is to turn every senatorial election into a referendum on the judiciary. Copy the letter one post below. Change the name, add a few of your own comments and e-mail it off to Dem senators running for re-election in ’06 in FL, NE, WV, NM, MI and WI. Dems will also defending an open seat in MN. Three pick ups in the mid-term may turn the tide and demonstrate to Dems that the far, far left is leading their Party into oblivion. Oops -way long.

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