Thursday, April 28, 2005

Gore Kerry support FL equal force gun law - riiiight

Few things get Libs more exercised than the Second Amendment. Why? Well, a law abiding gun toting citizen is a threat to their major and most reliable constituency – criminals. The more people carrying and using guns in self-defense means fewer and fewer Lib voters.

Libs are having a conniption fit because FL has enacted a law that allows citizens to protect themselves and their families from the predator class. FL has been a right to carry state for some time. Until now though, if a knife wielding OJ descended on you and your date, instead of pulling your trusty Colt and sending OJ to the hell he so justly deserves, you’d first have to retreat – run away if you will. That’s great news for the man because he could probably easily out-distance his date in stiletto heels and a tight dress.

But granted, OJ and weasels like him when faced with a man or woman with a gun are likely to turn as yellow as Homer Simpson and run in the other direction. Libs say “that’s good enough.” And maybe it is for the man or woman with a gun. But weasels being weasels are likely to continue to act like weasels and descend upon another couple and…well we know what happens don’t we. Now, if the first couple had shot OJ in face with a .357 wad cutter - turning the inside of his head as mushy and empty as a three week old jack-o-lantern – after running in a circle several times he’s likely to have collapsed, begun adjusting to the heat and saying howdy-dos with Beelzebub, Hitler, Stalin etc.

John Lott studies and writes about these things. No, he’s not some NRA gun nut like…uh Lex. A few things Mr. Lott has been involved in include:

-Senior research scholar, School of Law, Yale University,1999-2001-Law and economics fellow, School of Law, University of Chicago, 1995-1999 -Visiting assistant professor, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago 1994-1995-Visiting fellow, Cornell University Law School, 1994-Assistant professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1991-1995-Visiting assistant professor, Graduate School of Management, UCLA, 1989-1991-Chief economist, U.S. Sentencing Commission, 1988-1989-Visiting assistant professor, Department of Economics, Rice University, 1987-1988-Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 1986-1987-Visiting assistant professor, Department of Economics, Texas A&M University, 1984-1986

So he’s a pretty accomplished fellow and a scholar. Mr. Lott, in his book “More Guns Less Crime” contends that the quickest cheapest way to reduce crime is by arming law-abiding citizens through right to carry laws. The logical extension of having a right to carry a weapon is having a right to use it in self-defense. That is what FL did yesterday. Most Americans will say, yeah well duhh. But to Libs the only thing worse than owning a gun is actually using it to defend yourself. I expect pro gun Libs Al Gore and John Kerry to speak out forcibly in favor of the FL legislature. Or were they just trying to BS us in election years?

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