Friday, April 15, 2005

Hot shots

Well, if you didn’t know it, your taxes are due today. I finished mine, and as a result I am a big fan of the flat tax. Here’s how I think it ought to work.
1. Everyone at some threshold of income say $25,000 ought to pay a certain percentage say 12% of that income. People - students, the elderly, the poor, etc - who don’t reach the threshold don’t pay taxes.
2. The only exemption, say $5,000 each, is for people - yourself, your wife and your dependant children and elderly parents.
Wait, only two rules, it has to be more complicated than that. No that’s it. This plan would allow exemptions for people only – period end of sentence, end of tax code. Screams of, “The tax code must be progressive.” can be heard from Libs. Well, if I make a $100 and you make $1,000 and we each pay 12% on our earnings, who pays more? For those public school graduates, you do! The flat tax is progressive. The current system is not because politicians use the tax code to “buy off” wealthy donors with tax shelters. As a result the flat tax will have the added benefit of getting some of the money out of politics - probably more effectively than the 1st Amendment shredding McCain-Feingold bill that ironically put more into politics – all of it from the fat-cats the bill was supposed to limit. And oh by the way, it’s not money that makes politics dirty. It’s dirty politicians that make politics dirty.

Dems are rethinking their attacks on Tom Delay. It turns out that Dem leaders Pelosi and Reid are much dirtier than anything Delay is being accused of. Pelosi was fined $21,000 for buying her Dem leadership position with unlawful campaign contribution to certain Dems. Harry Reid is perhaps the filthiest member of congress. Read it here. Dems it turns out, although in the minority, take more trips paid for by lobbyists than Reps. At least a dozen prominent Dems have multiple family members on the dole. As noted below, I’m all for getting rid of every one that has a family member on the dole. But only Delay has attracted any media attention. Once the hypocrisy, a mainstay of Lib politics, of this story is pointed out, rather than fair-play, the story will just go away.

Things in Iraq are going too well for the MSM and Lib pols. As a result, they have turned their attention to trashing John Bolton for telling the truth about the UN. I for one am delighted that the Dems are being seen as standing up for a corrupt, anti-American UN rather than a man who will hold them to account. Most thinking Americans see the UN for what it is – a corrupt dysfunctional organization run by anti-American dictators, satraps and thugs. This the Dems will defend.

Nuclear option
Bill Frist is finding that spontaneous generation of a backbone is a time consuming process. Just get on with it. If Reps lose at least we’ll know who to can – John McCain - a man who never saw a baby that wasn't worth splitting. (Solomon not abortion)

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