Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Two rule Social Security System

Democrats are in high gear doing what they do best. That is - insisting your money is better off in the national treasury in Washington D.C. than in your own bank account. Democrats cannot believe that the president is willing to trust Americans more than Ted Kennedy with tax payer money. Personal accounts? Why that’s insane! How can Mr. and Mrs. America be trusted with 2% of their retirement fund – even when it by law is placed in a government approved thrift savings plan? Why the whole idea is preposterous – personal accounts indeed! Why the next thing you know the people will begin to think that the money the government confiscates for Social Security is actually theirs! If that happens, dependants and other heirs will begin asking for payment even if someone fails to live to retirement age. That’s the biggest big government scam going. You may pay into the system your entire working life, but if you die at age 64-and-a-half, you collect nada. Because personal accounts are…well personal, they would simply ruin that scam.

Yesterday the usual crowd of Democrat obstructionists gathered in front of an adoring crowd of dullards too afraid or dim-witted to mange their own money or anything else for that matter. The crowd, no doubt, was composed of the same kind of people that think that the government is great because the dullards get a couple of hundred bucks back when they file their income taxes. While proposing nothing, the obstructionists shouted their slogans - no personal accounts for the rich, Haliburton and homophobic, SUV driving, tobacco using, gun owners - and the dullards cheered. I cannot believe that a majority of Americans trust a government that spends their hard earned money on “Piss Christ”, the post office, AMTRACK and the like more than they trust themselves.

Several posts below, Lex proposed a two rule income tax code. In keeping with his “let’s make government simple”, Lex proposes a two rule Social Security system:
1. The worker determines if, when and how much he will contribute to a Federal Social Security System.
2. The worker continues to work until his chosen retirement plan provides sufficient returns for him to stop working.

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