Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Republican invertebrates

In an effort to avoid comparison to Tom Delay or any other vertebrate, Ohio Republican Senator George Voinovich shut down the Foreign Relations Committee’s confirmation of truth teller John Bolton. The reason given by Mr. V was, "I haven't been to the hearings and haven't heard all these allegations until now." Haven’t heard all the allegations? Where have you been? Do you have a staff? If you do, they should all be fired. Haven’t heard of the allegations? You are either lying (Which is where my money is.) or too big a blockhead to hold any office above the guy that goes behind the elephants with a coal shovel and a wheelbarrow (OK it’s probably equal parts of each. Mr. V is lying and is too big a blockhead to figure out that we know he’s lying.).

In another statement of colossal ignorance Mr. V went on to whine, "The passion on the other side on this, I don't think is political." You don’t think it’s political? Get the shovel and wheelbarrow. Hey Mr. V, ever hear of Clarence Thomas, Robert Bork, William Pryor, Priscilla Owen, Charles W. Pickering etc.? Again, Mr. V is either lying or just too obtuse to hold high office.

It’s guys like Mr. V that make me avoid saying I’m a Republican even though I’m registered as one. Last week I was in Munchen talking to some tourist from Boston. The talk turned to politics. Since I’d mentioned I had been in the Marine Corps, they pegged me as a “Republican”. I dead panned that I was not a Republican. They asked me several more questions after which they said I had to be a “Republican”. “No”, I said, “I am a conservative.” I am sadly disappointed with the President’s immigration policy or lack there of and I’m sick of the spineless leadership in the senate. So, I am not a Republican. I am a conservative.

Not that it will cause Mr. V to be able to walk upright anytime soon but, e-mail him and ask:

How could you possibly not have heard the allegations?
Do you have staff?
Have you fired them for not doing their job?
If you are so mis/uninformed on this topic, do you intend to resign your office anytime soon?
What other topics are you woefully mis/uninformed on?
If you can’t keep up with this, how do you keep track of developments in China and the war on terror?
If you didn’t know what was going on, why didn’t you abstain and avoid embarrassing an entire state?
Do you seriously believe that it’s not political?
If you do, where do you keep your “Glad Machine” Pollyanna?

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