Thursday, December 22, 2005

Crushing the RATS in '06

There are three huge issues that any conservative can beat any DemoRAT/RepubliRAT on in the mid-terms.

National security.
When Iraq comes up, support it 100%. Tell voters we are killing the enemy in Iraq, a situation far more preferable than them killing us here.

When the torture issue comes up, lambaste anyone who suggests that American troops torture enemy prisoners. Tell voters that American troops are not criminals and any senator or representative who suggests that they are by offering legislation that de facto accuses them of criminal activities is not fit to serve (John, I am the Exalted One, McCain).

When the candidate is accused of attacking DemoRAT patriotism, tell voters that to be a patriot should require more than continually running down one’s own country and president.

When asked about NSA eavesdropping, tell voters only pointed headed liberals out to get the president do not think that it’s a good idea. The Libs would rather have us all die in our sleep at the hands of the terrorists than listen in on a phone conversation or deprive one of them of their 3 squares a day at G’itmo.

In short, DemoRATS are too weak to be trusted with the Nation’s security.

Tie immigration to the security issue
- building a fence, the higher the better, electrified randomly.
- fining employers of illegals $500,000 for second offences.
- eliminating any and all welfare benefits for illegals.
- returning every illegal after 90 days of collecting trash on the Nation’s highways for nothing more than a cot and 3 portions of very thin gruel.
- a guest worker program that requires a photo ID card with thumb print and online re-registration every 90 days.

Simple. We have the energy here and we are going to go get it. We will not continue to pay billions of dollars to Arab regimes that are at best playing both sides in the terror war against the middle. Nor will we deal with a South American dictator, nor Mexico until it polices its side of our border. We have the capacity to be more energy independent. We will commit to that independence. We can do it cleanly and safely. Only DemoRATS doubt America’s ability to sustain itself.

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