Friday, December 02, 2005

Murtha the Good and Honorable

A letter to Murtha the Good and Honorable written in a fit of passion. I'll probably regret sending it later.

Dear John,
If you were a treasonous, enemy sympathizing, bastard, what would you be doing differently than what you’ve been doing? If the US Army is broken and worn out, do you think it is a good idea to announce that fact to our enemies? Besides advocating cutting and running, chickening out, surrendering, quitting, giving up, capitulating in Iraq and flapping your considerable jowls, what are you proposing to fix the Army? Pick from this menu:
An across the board %15 pay hike?
Increase the Army by 2 Divisions?
Increase SGLI %50?
Closing every unwanted and unnecessary military facility around the world?
Shutting down every unnecessary wasteful government program and pouring that money into a Manhattan type project to combat the IED problem?
Advocating affirmative action for veterans especially wounded veterans?
How many wounded vets do you have on your staff?
Guaranteeing college education for the children of those slain in the line of duty?
Or do you propose nothing?

You’ve done nothing but run your suck and for that, yes congressman you are a coward. I don’t much care if you and your ilk hide under the bed sheets while terrorists slash your families to death before finally pulling back the bed covers to find quivering, blubbering, slobs sitting in their own urine and after a good laugh severe your empty heads from your worthless bodies. A fine death for cowards. I do care when your only solution for a war in which our very way of life hangs in the balance is to quit - a policy that puts not only the cowards advocating it in danger but the rest of us as well.

We are at war congressman. How about reaching down, finding your manly orbs, if you ever had any, and acting like it. Advocate a policy for victory not surrender. How about a JFK, “bear any burden” moment from someone, anyone in your party?

Doug Schumick
Stuttgart, Germany
Since it seems to matter but shouldn’t - Former Marine combat veteran w/CAR and Bronze Star w/combat V and bunch of other stuff that was so worthless to the Democrat Presidential Nominee he tossed his over a fence. Ooops, he was a coward too. He tossed someone else’s stuff over the fence but has his own neatly framed in his office. Is it any wonder the nation does not trust Democrats with national security?

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