Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Did we do the terrorists a favor?

Here is an interesting mental exercise. A man on the Rush Limbaugh show the other day said he’d wished that flight 93, the one brought down in the Pennsylvania field by the passengers, had hit the Capitol Building. Maybe that would have waked this country from its slumber on terrorism.

The occasion of the discussion was the soon to be released movie Flight 93. Many are howling - too soon. Well then don’t go. I think the film ought to be mandatory for everyone in the country 17 years and older. I think it ought to mandatory viewing once a quarter for journalism majors. Every member of Congress ought to be required to view the film in one of those famous “Town Meeting” settings once a week.

But as we approach the 5th year anniversary of 9-11, it seems the only permissible mentions of the tragic events in the MSM are to slam Bush and or America. They will not show us the graphic photos of three of our iconic buildings in flames and ruin, but they run 24-7 loops of half-a-dozen unsupervised prison guards in Abu Ghraib doing the dopiest things – that has been going on for nearly TWO YEARS now. OK we got it little Lyndie England had a naked Iraqi terrorist on a dog leash.

But think about Flight 93. Did the heroes aboard actually do the terrorists a favor? That’s hard to believe. But think about it. Where would we be today if the people’s house, the Capitol building, had been struck? Where would we be if the casualties of 9-11 had been 4,000 and spread across the entire nation? Where would we be if one-quarter of the House and Senate had to be replaced in special elections with 9-11 only 30, 60 or even 120 days removed? Where would we be with the skeleton of our beautiful Capitol Building as a constant reminder that you cannot make deals with snakes?

I think we would be a much more committed nation.

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