Sunday, April 09, 2006

Save your Mexican flags for 5 May

There is a straw man being floated by the open borders crowd that goes - well Italians, Irish and Germans all carry their flags and nobody gets upset. Well no we don’t. This straw man is being trumpeted by illegals with thick accents and by lib and conservatives with an open borders agenda.

I know that Lex’s readers are too smart for this. When a group of fully assimilated legal Italian immigrants and their families gather once a year to celebrate Columbus Day, we don’t get upset. On St. Patrick’s day when everyone in American somehow traces their family’s origin to Ireland and totes an Irish flag in a parade, nobody gets to upset. When Americans greet one another in a beer tent in broken German over an oompa band nobody gets upset.

When a group of 12 million illegal aliens take to the streets waiving the flag of a corrupt and failed country not as a good spirited celebration of their heritage, but rather as an in your face flaunting of our law and our generosity, well yeah we get upset.

We’re off to Lisbon for a few days. See you Fri with a full report on something.

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