Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sensible immigration reform

Steps to a sensible immigration reform bill would include the following.

Build the fence.

First commit to build a fence completely across our southern border. First, a 15 foot type that allows no foot or finger holds; then a second fence or wall with 150 meter lane between the two obstacles. The second barrier needs to be 15 feet high and constructed at least 8 feet into the ground. It should be electrified, not in the shock producing sense, but rather to prevent tampering and tunneling. Every foot of the lane between the two obstacles should be covered by cameras, sensors, human observation or all three.

If we do not commit to this measure anything else we do will fail. Any law passed today will be a forerunner to the immigration bill 10-20 years down the road. Today we address 11-12 million ilegals, tomorrow it’ll be 20-25 million.

Amnesty if you must

If amnesty is the price to get the wall built, amnesty it is. But it should be called amnesty as a signal that politicians have failed in their duty to regulate immigration and ensure a uniform naturalization process. We cannot allow the same pols that got us into this mess an escape hatch for their dereliction and cover as if they are tough on illegal aliens.

Amnesty should include:
only those who have been in the country 5 years or more.
only those who have no criminal record
only those 26 years of age or older.
a stiff fine based on the number of years in the country illegally.
a fine for current and past employers.
a requirement to learn English.
end of the line privileges behind EVERYONE who has followed the rules.

Pass “English as the official language legislation”

It makes little sense to have a requirement for immigrants to learn English, then have our courts say everything that the government does must be multilingual. Stop bi-lingual education in schools. Stop printing ballots in every language known to man. Stop providing bi-lingual driver’s tests. This is a government only proposal. Private companies may do whatever they wish to attract customers.

Stop providing illegals with the rights of citizens.

No, contrary to what Sen Clinton says we are not criminalizing the good Samaritan. Basic health, food and shelter should be provided. We should not be providing welfare benefits, public K-12 schooling or higher education at in State tuition rates.

Establish a workable immigration procedure.

Get the people we need into the country quickly, accurately and TEMPORARILY. It’s the 21st century. We can do this.

Fine anyone hiring an illegal.

$10,000 per illegal on the first offense. $100,000 per illegal the second offense.

Once we have secured the border, stopped catering to illegals as if they were citizens, cut off the welfare support, simplified legal entry, and dried up the illegal job market, I think we can begin to ensure a uniform naturalization process.

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