Friday, January 19, 2007

24 Vs. the Doomsday Clock

Not that we would ever expect them to be consistent but, Libs have been more inconsistent (ie hypocritical) than usual of late.

24 Vs. the Doomsday Clock. When the producers and writers of the Fox hit show 24 decided to blow up part of Los Angeles with a suitcase nuke, the Libs went nuts. Why this is just the Fox TV network trying to prop up Bush. Even while Libs were getting off zingers like, “Not even Jack Bauer can save Bush” and “Bush is more in need of an episode of ‘Touched by an Angle’ than 24” they remained apoplectic over the 24 episode.

MSNBC and CNN brought in panels of like-minded Libs to confirm their first suspicions, that 24 was nothing more than a shill for Bush. How long can it be before a permanently bug-eyed Nancy Pelosi and phantom real estate mogul and good-time Christmas tipper Scrawny Harry Reid haul the entire 24 crew before congressional hearings?

Then there is the Doomsday clock. While 24 moves along supposedly at real time, the Doomsday clock is permanently stuck just a few minutes from mid-night – mid-night being the time that the world will be destroyed by man’s folly. You know, nukes, global warming, famine, pestilence, another Clinton presidency that sort of thing. How do you get that gig – being in charge of clock that doesn’t keep time - sort of like the Dems 100 hour clock that let hundreds of hours tick off unnoticed? I have a couple here at home but nobody calls to ask what the time is on them. Anyway, the scientists who run the clock have moved the minute hand closer to mid-night because, "The major new step reflects growing concerns about a 'Second Nuclear Age' marked by grave threats, including: nuclear ambitions in Iran and North Korea, unsecured nuclear materials in Russia and elsewhere…” But because the Doomsday group and Libs are about as equally optimistic about America and our future, MSNBC and CNN had like minded guests and panels on telling us how the advance of the Doomsday Clock shows how Bush has made the world less safe. No doubt wide-eyed Nancy and Land Office Harry will soon have the Doomsday group up to testify how badly Bush has screwed things up.

How does all of this work in a Lib brain? A fake TV show that shows nukes going off in LA is shilling for Bush. A fake clock that shows nukes might soon be going off in LA needs to be taken seriously.

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