Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dem strategy: Quit then blame the consequences on Bush

The Islamo-terror-fascists have declared that the war in Iraq is the major battle against the US, but for reasons political, Americans have not recognized that fact. Just like the ITF have declared war on us for the last 25 years. We were happy to go along with ships, planes and buildings being blown to pieces at regular intervals as long as it didn’t happen here and as long as the death toll was something less than 3,000 people killed in a single day.

We were at war for a short time after 9-11, but that was five years ago. Now, it has been over five years and still no victory parade. It's taking too long. I can make popcorn in the microwave in 40 seconds, why is this war taking so damn long? Besides, it is play-off time and all of this talk of war is ruining all of the parties.

We should remember it’s not about Iraq. It’s about us. One thing missing from the president’s recent address on Iraq was line something like, “We will stay in Iraq as long as our national interests demand.”

It is in our national interest to keep killing foreign fighters in Iraq rather than the US.

It is in our national interest to keep Iraq from becoming a base of operation from which Islamo-terror-fascists can operate.

It is in our national interest to keep the region and the oil price stable – because we refuse to become energy self-sufficient.

It is in our national interest to change the paradigm of how the US operates in Middle East from one which does business with every manner of brutal dictator, king, emir etc. to one that does business with leaders who represent the people they govern.

But Lex, that’s an open ended commitment. Yes it is. It’s like the old Fram Oil Filter commercial, “you can pay me now, or you can pay me later.” People who tell us we can just retreat from Iraq with no consequences are selling us a bridge that they don’t own. There certainly will be consequences if we quit, and I predict dire consequences at that. But whatever the consequences after the retreat that they impose, Democrats, the MSM and microwave Americans will blame them on Bush.

Well of course Iraq spiraled into civil war – a real one not that phony baloney civil war we and the MSM hyped for three years – but that never would have happened if Bush hadn’t botched the war we voted for in the first place.

No doubt tens of thousands have been butchered, but that never would have happened if Bush hadn’t botched the war we voted for in the first place.

Why of course the ITF are emboldened and dancing in the streets threatening every government in the Middle East, but that never would have happened if Bush hadn’t botched the war we voted for in the first place.

Sure oil prices have spiked to over $100 a barrel wrecking many Western economies, but that never would have happened if Bush hadn’t botched the war we voted for in the first place.

Of course our allies don’t trust that we’ll ever finish a job, but that never would have happened if Bush hadn’t botched the war we voted for in the first place.

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