Tuesday, June 05, 2007

CBO says Amnesty bill flawed

The Congressional Budget Office is reporting that the Comprehensive Amnesty bill currently before the Senate is seriously flawed and among other things will lead to more than 500,000 illegal aliens in the first decade. These poor people of course will only be doing the work legal aliens won’t do at a much lower wage. The new illegal aliens will comprise the first half million of what will turn into tens of millions covered by the next big amnesty bill in about 2017. That bill will be written by the first illegal alien elected to congress and signed by the first president from the newly formed Socialist Worker’s Party – Juan Guermillo Calderon Jimenez. Jimenez was elected when ballots written only in Spanish were delivered to several white districts. The whole thing was settled when the five Latinos on the Supreme Court declared, “No problemo.”

Wow, imagine my surprise when the CBO came out and said a bill before our congress was fouled up. Shocking! A government that goes hyper over one American entering his own country with a communicable disease while on a watch list is perfectly OK with millions of illegal aliens breaking into our country every year unscreened. Of the 12 or so million illegal aliens in this country, what are the chances of one of them being contagious with something? But hey, as long as they bag the clippings, sweep under the couch and change jr’s dirty unmentionables, we can live with a little TB, AIDES, plague, or whatever third world disease they brought with them when they snuck into the country.

Then there are the Ft. Dix six and the JFK three. These nine poor immigrant practitioners of the religion of peace were just doing the jihad that other Americans won’t do. There is absolutely no reason to look at 9-11, or cases in Buffalo or Columbus or these two new cases and think that we might want to tighten up immigration just a bit. If you believe it’s the government’s responsibility to know and limit who enters our country, you’re labeled a bigot. According to the MSM and our president, if you advocate border security for health, safety and security reasons you’re a xenophobic loser who doesn’t want what is best for America. Well I guess I’ve always been a bigoted xenophobic loser.

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