Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tired of Reid, Bush, American justice and riots

Maybe we’ve delayed the madness

Well it’s about time Democrat arrogance worked for the good of the country. Nevada’s big time land baron Senator Harry Reid says he’ll bring a measure to cut off debate on the Comprehensive Amnesty bill to the senate floor today. Republicans said they will filibuster any measure that cuts off debate so soon. Reid said that if Republicans block his effort to limit debate, it would likely derail it for the rest of the year. "People are looking for excuses on the Republican side to kill this bill," he said. Not hard enough Harry.

Tired of Bush

At an outing this weekend someone said that they were “tired of Bush.” I guess that just about sums it up for me too. I don’t know anyone who is walking around saying, gee too bad Bush can’t have a third term. This Comprehensive Amnesty bill was the last straw. I could live with steel tariffs, campaign finance laws, prescription drugs benefits, Harriet Meiers, Ted Kennedy education reform, etc. etc. But after this Comprehensive Amnesty bill and the president’s insistence that I’m not interested in what’s best for America because I think this bill is crap and the government’s ability and/or willingness to enforce it non-existent, I’ve had it.

Scooter Libby

Libby got 30 months, a fine and additional probation from a judge yesterday for lying (or forgetting) the details of a non-crime that the prosecutor already knew who committed. Meanwhile, three border guards are in jail for trying to bring order to our southern border. Meanwhile, Sandy Burger got off essentially Scott free for stealing and destroying secret papers from the National Archive germane to the 9-11 commission report. Ain’t American justice great? Get caught in a political scandal and go to jail. Get caught trying to enforce border laws and go to jail. Get caught stealing secret national security documents go to the after dinner speaker circuit. Of course asking the president to pardon Libby and the guards is just too much to ask. Which is another reason that I’ve had it.

Barack the rioting Negro

Barak Obama is warning of riots as result of the Katrina aftermath. Well there is true gratitude for you. Give people a week’s notice to leave. Rescue those who don’t. Spend billions trying to bring New Orleans back and Barak calls for riots. What about the poor souls in Mississippi Barak? Should they be rioting? Doubt it. After all MS is red a red state more inclined to get on with cleaning up, finding opportunity where it exisits and just getting on life. Blue state/city LA and New Orleans seem content to wallow in Katrina and wait for a government hand out – which by the way they have already received.

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