Monday, June 04, 2007

Dump the RNC and RINOs

I received a letter from the RNC the other day. It must have been my membership renewal because it had “renewal due” stamped on the outside of the envelope. I don’t know what the letter said. I tore it in half before opening it. I was going to throw it away but decided to save it. I’m going to spend 41 cents of my own hard earned Yankee dollars to send the letter back to the RNC with the following note:

No thanks. Post this letter down at the nearest day labor center. I’m sure the floods of ILLEGAL ALIENS that the RNC is courting are anxious to join, contribute and do the party work other Republicans just won’t do.

I think it’s time to clean house. I’ve been of the opinion that politics was the art of the possible. I don’t think we can afford that attitude any longer. It’s time to get rid of some of the Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snow and Susan Collins type dead weight RINO Republicans. They all should face strong primary opposition. If they win the primary, conservatives should sit out the general election. Better to be sold down the river by Libs who you know than the Reps you don’t.

Like when you clean out the garage, things may have to get messier, old things tossed out, new things brought in, before the garage is better. That’s where we are with the Republican Party. We have to toss a few out and bring few new ones in. Things may be messier, higher taxes, open borders etc. for a short time but we should not continue down the current path any further.

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