Friday, June 01, 2007

The Hillary trap

"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." Hillary Clinton 1993

In the post below, Lex has noted that somewhere along the line a generation of Americans has gotten the idea that it is no longer necessary to struggle for high ideals or lofty goals. The notion that struggling to achieve greatness in some endeavor made that achievement all the more worthy it seems vanished with the end of the Cold War.

The notion that America should no longer be required to struggle or that there is nothing other than our own 401K security worth struggling for is biting us in Iraq, in schools, on our border and soon in our politics. Hillary and most other Dem candidates are on the, why should I have to work - can’t someone just take care of me train. John Edwards has made his entire campaign about the two Americas. Waging open class warfare and envy and largely ignoring the fact that of fat cat Americans he’s among the fattest. Obama has issued his universal healthcare plan that supposedly brings 42 million uninsured Americans under coverage while reducing the cost of Americans already insured by $2,500.

But John Edwards is such a transparent phony that he has about as much chance of being president as being seen cutting his own grass with a 20 inch push mower. Unless a Chinaman with a new super abacus steps forward and is able to explain how you can bring 42 million uninsured into a program all the while reducing the cost for the those already paying, Obama is toast as well.

Clinton is the scary one. She will have the mad dog Dems. So now she’s shooting for the why should I have struggle crowd. Recently Hillary said that Bush's "ownership society" is really nothing more than an "on your own" society. What this means to the public school crowd is redistribution of wealth. Sit around acting pathetic and let those hard working enough or creative enough to work hard and create while the "we're all in this together crowd" collect the benefits of the hard work and creativity - without really contributing much.

Many think that that type of program could never sell in America. It’s socialism at best communism at worst. Well, yeah it can. We’re about as 50-50 a nation as it gets. Hillary will have Dem support. If Reps side with Dems on this dopey AMNESTY bill and then side with Dems to quit the war as many craven RINOs will, I think a good many Reps will sit the ’08 election out. That will hand ’08 to Clinton.

If you think sitting out an election with Hillary Clinton as one of the principals is a good idea, just remember her "I want to take those profits" promise after Exxon Mobile released their FY 2006 profits. Can you say redistribution?

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