Monday, January 28, 2008

Fodder for the ad wars

Bill Clinton said "She (The Shrillda Beast) and John McCain are very close. They always laugh that if they wound up being the nominees of their party, it would be the most civilized election in American history, and they're afraid they'd put the voters to sleep because they like and respect each other."

There has to be a TV ad in there somewhere for Romney or Giuliani - sadly sadly the Hucksterbee campaign is now wholly owned subsidiary of the McCain campaign.

Couple Bill's words with:

McCain Feingold - an assault on the First Amendment of the US Constitution
McCain Kennedy – an amnesty bill for 12 -20 million illegal aliens
McCain Lieberman – an economic self-destruct bill in the name of global warming

You use those grainy black and white photos made famous by negative political ads of a smiling McCain juxtaposed with grainy black and white photos of the various Democrat players: Announcer’s voice runs off the list, McCain Clinton; McCain Feingold; McCain Kennedy; McCain Lieberman and use the tag line: Which party’s nomination is John McCain running for anyway?

On immigration, I’d show clips of McCain talking about illegal aliens having to pay a fine to be able to stay in the US and then ask: Hey John, if we’re going to sell US citizenship, shouldn’t the people who have been waiting in line legally the longest get first dibs?

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