Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's on to SC

STOP THE PRESSES! Lex was wrong, but only half wrong. In the post just under, Lex predicted that McCain would carry Mich. He didn’t. Lex was wrong. But Lex also predicted Romney would get a plurality of the Republican vote. He did. Lex also predicted that McCain would get more Democrat and Independent votes. He did. There just weren’t enough of them off-set Romney’s lead among Republicans.

Now the McCainiacs are touting the loss as win because it demonstrates McCain’s appeal among Democrats and Independents. Too bad there’s no such thing as a Democrat/Independent primary. If there were, such logic would be sensible.

I hope my guy, Fred, takes off in SC and sweeps super Tuesday. That is an unlikely scenario. Thompson and Romney are likely to split the conservative vote leaving an open field to Giuliani and McCain. Rudy has all but disappeared. That leaves us with McCain.

But enough about us, let’s talk about the Dems. They’re in a mess as well, a three man race where a doofus like Edwards gets to play king maker. At last night’s debate the Shrillda Beast called Bush “pathetic” for “begging” for more oil from the Saudis. Well, blow me down! I agree with her. The Beast went on to say that the US needed an energy policy - the comprehensive type of course. Any time you hear the word “comprehensive” associated with a government program, think Rube Goldberg.

No one asked Shrillda about Clinton’s “comprehensive energy plan” during Bill’s eight years as president. No one asked her about more oil drilling, nuclear power or clean coal. See when Dems talk “comprehensive energy plan” they’re talking about forcing everyone – but them - to use compact florescent light bulbs, government regulating the temperature inside your house, taxing oil companies out of business and forcing us to drive cars that will resemble Wiley E. Coyote on a pair of rocket powered roller skates with a helmet and a pair of goggles.

How about we develop our own resources to meet current needs while funding a robust R&D program to meet next generation energy requirements? If we passed legislation to open ANWR and off shore oil deposits, while approving a robust nuclear power program and clean coal technology, OPEC oil prices would drop 15% before we sunk the first well.

It’s on to SC. Go to Fred ’08 and donate a sawbuck for the red pickup.

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