Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The more they go after her, the more I like her

They are out to get Sarah Palin. All manner of nutroot accusations from newest son Trig really being her daughter’s baby, to banning books, to ordering that creationism be taught in public schools, to firing a safety commissioner to influence her sisters’ divorce, to stealing per diem, to she really liked the bridge to nowhere have been floated. All have been destroyed by the truth.

Right now 30 DNC lawyers are combing AK drilling for the only thing that makes Dems run – dirt on a political opponent. News is that there will be new and serious scandals breaking tomorrow in the DNC’s “party organ” - the NY Times. Here’s the latest Palin scandal run down:

She trumped her partner’s ace during a Euchre game in 1982.
She wore white after Labor Day on Sept. 23rd 1986.
Her belt and shoes didn’t match at a PTA function.
She had a particularly bad hair in Jun. this year.
She was ten minutes late picking her son up from hockey practice one day because she stopped to save a group of young children who were being attacked by a grizzly bear.

This is all heavy stuff and sure to affect the race. It’s sure to drive fair thinking voters right into the McCain Palin camp. Voters, particularly women voters, don’t want to see and hear the constant false scandal of the day. It also will have the “boy who cried wolf” effect on any real scandal the Dems might run across. Ho hum, just more MSM BS about Palin.

Now B-HO is making fun of Palin’s lipstick remark. I wonder how the MSM would react if McCain made fun of B-HO’s inner tube sized lips and sail like ears?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Palin is selling in the media outlets. Andre Mitchell and Matthews are claiming foul on going after Obama on the lipstick comment. Matthews is saying cable tv and the tabloids are making low blows. Strange that they are claiming the media is biased. They are pullimg their victim cards out waiving them around.

Striesand is having a concert to raise money for Obama. Apparently 28,000 tickets are sold. We did not get tickets and I don't know in Ohiya that can make it either. The Griffin.