Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Very weird

This is the biggest crisis in the history of the world – nay universe. If we do not act immediately, life as we know it will end.

So what should we do?

First, we adjourn until Thursday.

Weird huh.

Democrats control both houses of congress but blame Republicans for the failure of the bailout bill.

Weird huh.

Dems use Freddie and Fannie as personal ATMs for themselves and fiddle while the two mortgage companies burn to the ground but claim to be the best ones to fix the problems they created.

Weird huh.

President Bush claims to be a free market capitalist but has yet to propose even one free market idea to steady the ship. The only thing the administration has put on the table is an onerous $700 billion federal market manipulation plan.

Weird huh.

The bailout fails. The ones who were to prosper from it throw a hissy fit. The market plunges nearly 800 points. Now lawmakers, like a beleaguered parent trying to get through a crowded department store toy section dragging a screaming 5 year old, are considering giving into the pampered class’s extortion.

All the talking heads are blaming Republicans for yesterday’s “market meltdown.” First, a 6% loss in value doesn’t make the top 10 “meltdowns.” Besides, when was written that markets cannot go down? Steady money is sure to buy into some pretty good deals this morning.

I don’t know how much I lost yesterday – was probably wiped out. Who knows? I’ve never followed it. I’d rather be wiped out than have the country turned into another namby pamby socialist wealth redistribution welfare state.

Weird huh.

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