Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Mumbai massacre carried out by crazed Mormon missionaries

Hey what’s the most under played aspect of the Mumbai massacre? All of the attackers seem to have been Mormons who flipped out under the pressure of a mission in a far away and strange land. I'll bet nobody believes that's true. Well, nobody but maybe Mike Huckabee. I’ll bet the attackers weren’t Mormon, Catholic, Jew, Hindi or Buddhist. At the risk of sounding a bit politically incorrect, I’ll bet big Sis’s entire Neal Diamond collection that the attackers were to a person Muslims.

But you have read on and on and listen very closely to get even a hit of the religious affiliation of the attackers from the MSM. They are referred to as militants, attackers, gunmen, possibly Pakistani, or one of 15-20 other lame-brained descriptions. Never are they referred to as murdering terrorist bastards. Given what we know about the set of the whole of murdering terrorist bastards in the world today, we can assume with about 99.99% accuracy that they are Ismalo-terror-fascists murdering bastards.

Well I’ll go out on a limb and say that the Mumbai massacre was carried out by ITF from Pakistan. I can make the assumption that the murderers were ITF by the extra torture meted out to Jews during the attack. I can assume that that they are Pakistani because India and Pakistan have been going at it since I can remember. I don’t need proof. Common sense, that rarest of commodity in the diplomatic process, tells me it’s true with about a 99.99% certainty.

And here’s another link to think about. Apparently the ITF murdering bastards in Mumbai came into the country via the sea. They used a pirated Indian vessel to get close and then came ashore using rubber boats. Now who is it doing all of that pirating in the region? Oh yeah, Muslim Somali pirates.

Well thank God P-E Obama and Sec State select Clinton are on this thing. No doubt after 20 Jan all of these things will cease as the word joins hands and sings Kumbaya in the true spirit of Hope-n-Change.

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