Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why not Caroline?

While the nation focuses its attention on the IL senate seat for sale, the filling of the Shrilldabeast's NY senate seat was going pretty much unnoticed. Unnoticed that is until Caroline Kennedy expressed an interest in filling the seat. Then the feathers began to fly.

First lemme make this clear, I don’t care who fills the seat. The Gov of NY is a liberal and isn’t going to appoint anyone that I’d likely be sharing a cigar in my SUV while agreeing that the second amendment actually means what it says. So in the long – or for that matter short – run who cares?

I guess Dems do. Hillary supporters, like the candidate they supported, have long memories and don’t bury the hatchet easily – unless it’s deep into the back of the skull of their opponents. Well Caroline came out early for P-E Obama and the Shrillilites can’t bring themselves to forgive and forget.

Of course they do not say, “Caroline cannot fill the Shrilldabeast’s seat because she didn’t support the beast.” That would be too straight forward and make the kind of sense we could all get our arms around. Instead they say, “She’s not qualified.” Huh? Qualified? What qualification? The constitution only requires that a senator be 30 years old, a citizen of the US for 9 years and an inhabitant of the state from which he was chosen.

Caroline is fully qualified. When the senate is populated by such dim wits as Chuck Schumer, R. C. Durbin, Chris Dodd, Pat Leahy – well I’d go on but it’d include about 75 names but you get the point – you really cannot argue about “qualifications.” Unless you mean she’s not qualified because she really IS QUALIFIED and the majority of senators are not therefore she’s not qualified because she really is. Read it again. It makes perfect sense

As near as I can tell the only qualification that the majority of senators have is being partisan brain-dead manipulators. That being the case, I would hope that Caroline, or whoever fills the seat, is wholly unqualified by senatorial standards. That would improve the place by 1%.

Look I don’t like the idea of another Kennedy, Bush or Clinton in any branch of government. But of that set Caroline may be the best we can do. And what do we know of Caroline? Not much. Think about that. A Kennedy we don’t know much about. Seems we know way too much about most of the Kennedy’s. Not knowing much about Caroline probably means she’s not a drunk. She’s not a drug addict. She doesn’t whore around. She doesn’t think she can fly an airplane and doesn’t think her last name entitles her to much of anything – ah other than a vacant NY senate seat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Caroline seemed a bastion of common sense compared with the rest in the Kennedy clan. She had Jackie's better senses....until now. It must be the "moth to a flame" syndrome. I hope she decides not to run when the term expires.