Monday, December 01, 2008

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a trampled WalMart employee

In a sure sign that our economy is teetering on verge of total collapse and in keeping with the true spirit of Christmas, anxious WalMart shoppers, eager to spend what’s left of their money, trampled to death the store employee responsible to unlock the door at the start of black Friday. All of these shoppers must have been tourists or illegal immigrants, because I could have sworn the MSM said all Americans were broke. Where did all of these “shoppers” come from?

This is disturbing on so many levels. First, news reports say it was a “crowd” that broke down the doors. It wasn’t a crowd. A crowd assembles to watch a high school football game. This was a mob akin to those who turn cars over after the game – win or lose. Next, as noted below what kind of people get up at 3:30 a.m.; stand in line for hours; trample a store employee to death; continue to shop while the poor guy lay dying on the floor - all to save $50- $100? Last, what kind of store demands that its employees get up at 3:30 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving to get to the store to open at 4 a.m. or earlier to tend to the first group of knuckleheads?

I haven’t seen anyone so wracked with guilt as to come forward and admit to stepping on the man – even while claiming that they were simply being pushed along by the mob. I haven’t heard of anyone returning their ill gotten goods to WalMart as penance for being part of such a grotesque seen. I have heard WalMart express sadness for the death of an employee but nothing regarding the insane store policies that led to it.

Oh no, hell no, I’m not one of those, “Hey it’s society’s fault” nit wits. No. It’s the fault of the first 100 or so lunatics who pushed their way into that store and in the process of “being first in” to save $100 on an X-Box, trampled a man to death. A store ought to be able to open and close its doors to customers as it sees fit. They ought to be able to offer its customers deep discounts on the most popular items to get people into the store. A store ought to be able to do those things without hiring on a battalion of security guards as mob control. So it’s the mob’s fault not the store’s. The only question I have for WalMart is, why is it so important to have a mob standing in front of your stores at 3:30 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving?

No it’s not WalMart’s fault, but the only entity like to be made to pay for the man’s death will be the WalMart chain.

I wonder how many parents will proudly be telling their kids this Christmas, “You enjoy that X-Box son. Daddy had to trample a man to death to get it. That’s how much I love you.”

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