Monday, October 12, 2009

5 jackasses dupe Dope

In warfare there is something know as a spoiling attack. A spoiling attack occurs when a usually heavily outnumbered group of defenders launches a surprise strike on an attacking force – usually while the attackers are in their assembly positions – thereby ruining the attack. The goal of the spoiling attack is not to defeat the enemy but rather to disrupt his offensive operations.

A spoiling attack is what the five jackasses in Oslo who voted the Dear Dope the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize have just pulled off. The Dear Dope, after all being a mere dope and a narcissistic dope at that, hasn’t figured out what the five jackasses are trying to pull off, or he would have refused the award.

The sole purpose of the five jackasses giving the Dope the Nobel Prize was to keep him from:
- Launching a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities

- Reinforcing American forces in Afghanistan and allow them to kill the enemy

- Staying a course of victory in Iraq

- Standing solidly behind Israel against Muslim lunatics who want to destroy Israel

- Protecting European allies against an emboldened Russia

- Confronting authoritarian dictators in South America intent on destabilizing that region

- Ratcheting up pressure on the N Korean Looney Tune to limit his propensity toward nuclear proliferation

How can a dope who accepts the Nobel Peace Prize - thereby claiming to be “a man of peace” - do any of the things listed above without being labeled the world’s biggest hypocrite? But then what has ever stopped a Lib - particularly a Lib who happens to be a narcissistic dope - from being a hypocrite? Not tax cheat Rangel who writes tax law for the rest of us but feels no compunction whatever to follow it himself. Not tax cheat Geithner who can’t pay his own taxes but runs the agency that makes sure the rest of us pay ours. Not AlGore who uses more energy than some states and small countries while scolding the rest of us for driving an SUV.

The five jackasses have run a spoiling attack against America. The jackasses know that America is the only thing keeping a lid on Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. The jackasses aim is not to honor the Dear Dope but rather to disrupt America’s offensive operations against the world’s creepiest dictators and Islamo-Terror-Fascists.

For the best take on the Nobel Peace Prize, read this piece.

Just ran across VDH's take on this - also excellent.

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