Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Industry needs the certainty that congress will get the hell out of the way

Republi-Rat sissy boy and permanent back bencher Lindsey Grahamnesty penned an Op-Ed with Cambodian war hero John Kerry on Sunday supporting Cap-Tax and trade. First of all if Grahamnesty and François Kerry are for it - in this case Cap-Tax and trade, that in itself seems good enough reason for me to be against it.

Cap-Tax and trade is another 1,000 plus page monstrosity ginned up by God only knows who that no elected official has even read much less understands. Yet the Dumb and Dumber dynamic duo of the senate write a letter extolling the virtues of a bill neither has bothered to read. It’s like listening to some pompous bastard at a cocktail party extolling the virtues of de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America.” Then when talking with the gassbag’s wife, you discover he’s never read it.

Now we’ve got not one but two pompous (g)assbags telling us how great the Cap-Tax and trade bill is but neither has bothered to read it or understand all of the unintended consequences contained in the 1,000+ page bill.

This latest congressional load of crap is supposed to save us from certain death by way of global warming…uh…er…cooling?...ummm…oh hell, climate change. The global warming bogyman is dying a slow miserable death as the Earth’s temperature has not risen since 1998 and record cold temperatures are recorder around America.

Ahh, but it is also supposed to get us off of foreign oil. Sure. Here’s the acid test. If the bill is designed to curb global warming and get us off of foreign oil, how many nuclear power plants are funded in the bill? If the number is less than 20 over the next five years, the entire bill is BS. When does it allow for off shore drilling?

We know that nuclear power is clean, safe and provides and an endless source of power. We know that we have huge oil reserves in Alaska and off shore ready for the picking. If the Cap-Tax and trade does not address these issues it is nothing more than AlGore blowing smoke.

The most dangerous sentence in the entire Op-Ed was this:

Industry needs the certainty that comes with Congressional action.

Let’s take a vote from America’s industrial captains. Vote for one of the following statements that is most in line with your industry’s feeling about congress:

A. Industry needs the certainty that comes with Congressional action.

B. Industry needs the certainty that congress will not pass further asinine, foolish, job killing, industry shrinking, regulations and taxes.

Wanna bet which will carry the day?

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