Thursday, October 01, 2009

Nornalizing child rape: is there hope for convicted priests?

Well it seems that there is a petition circulating in support of child rapist. My first thought was, Hey, finally someone is standing up for Catholic Priests. Then I come to find out that over 100 of the glitterati have signed a letter in support of Roman Polanski. Were I some defrocked priest cooling heels in prison for the being a creepy child molester, I'd produce the Polanski letter at next parole hearing.

It has to speak volumes that over 100 of the “beautiful people” would sign their names to a letter excusing child rape. Imagine the joy of the parole board in receiving such letter – “Oooooooooo, aaaaahhhhhh, Woody Allen. Well, Mr. child rapist, if Woody Allen doesn’t have problem with you molesting children, who the hell are we to think that that kind of behavior might be wrong.”

Ispent 30 seconds looking for the text of the letter on line – about 20 seconds more than it was worth – I couldn’t find it. But I did find these gems in support of a CHILD RAPIST.

"He's a brilliant guy, and he made a little mistake 32 years ago. What a shame for Switzerland," said photographer Otto Weisser, a friend of Polanski.

The French culture and communications minister, Frederic Mitterrand, said he "learned with astonishment" of Polanski's arrest. He expressed solidarity with Polanski's family and said "he wants to remind everyone that Roman Polanski benefits from great general esteem" and has "exceptional artistic creation and human qualities."

Well, as long he “benefits from great general esteem,” who the hell are we think poorly of the guy. After all, didn’t Hitler benefit from great general esteem right up to the point of starting WWII and killing 6 million Jews? Mike Vick was “brilliant" on the football field and benefited from great general esteem of the people of Atlanta right up to the point of that dog thing.

Lucky thing Polanski just raped a 13 year old girl. If he’d had raped a dog, well then I don’t think he’d be quite so popular with the beautiful people.

How does one get talked into signing their name to a letter in support of child rapist? How does that conversation go?

Caller: Hello Mr. Allen we’re circulating a letter in support child rape. Can we count on your support?

Allen: Child rape. You know I had sex with my under age adopted daughter, Right?

Caller: Oh yeah, that’s why we called.

Allen: Well, sure. I’m good with child rape.

Caller: OK, now the sticky part. How about all of those Catholic Priests?

Allen: Are you nuts?!

Well what the hell’s the difference?

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