Friday, October 16, 2009

Two Dope facts

OK I’m sick so this’ll be quick.

The Dear Dope ventured down to New Orleans to assure the folks there that the tens of billions of dollars the rest of us have spent on that city to help it recover from Hurricane Katrina last month – no wait – FOUR F*&&*%KING YEARS AGO would continue to flow. Excuse me, but how long and how much money is this going to take? Estimates were that with the money already spent on NO, you could have given every man woman and child in the city several hundred thousands of dollars by now. Four years in and we’re still dumping money? Sumpins wrong. Oh yeah, Demo-Dope corruption.

The Dear Dope is going to dip into his Nobel Prize money to give every senior citizen a check for $250. Or so you’d think by the way the press is playing it up that The Beneficent Dear Dopulous has decreed that he The Dear Dope would grant upon all citizens of age 65 years and older the gargantuan sum of $250. To paid out personally by the Dear Dope. That is BS. The constitution says all spending must originate in the House of Representative. So how can the Dope “spend” this money?

Well, The Dope decided that since the formula that determines what kind of cost of living increase Social Security recipients would be receiving this year came up with a goose egg, he’d kick the seniors a couple of C notes. So if the formula is flawed and the Dope feels compelled to kick in $250 this year what will Dopuls Maximus be kicking seniors when HIS hyper inflation make the annual SS increase 350%? I guess he's hedging that his health care plan will reduce the number seniors collecting checks. After all, it is every senior's responsibility to die as soon as possible under Dear-Dope-a-Care. Any senior that can be bought off for $250 is a bigger dope than The Dope offering the money.

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