Friday, October 02, 2009

Birthers, commanders and funerals

Lindsey Gramnesty, never content to be the RINO backbencher that he is, said, "But we have to say that's crazy. Those who say the [Dear Dope] was born anywhere other than Hawaii are crazy." No we don’t have to say that’s crazy.

What we SHOULD say is, “Look, I don’t believe the Dear Dope was born in Indonesia. But there are a lot of Americans who do believe that. The Dear Dope could clear this whole thing up in half a heart beat if he would simply produced his long form birth certificate. He doesn’t do that because he wants all of this controversy around his birth. So when someone tells him he’s a lying sack of crap when he says ‘my health care plan will not cover illegals,’ the Dope calls that person a racist birther and the conversation is shut down.”

No matter that when the Dear Dope says, “may plan” he’s damn liar. No matter that when he says it won’t cover illegals, he’s lying. Every time a provision is introduced to require an ID or some proof of citizenship, Demo-Dopes vote it down. Why?

But screw that inconsequential suck up Gramnesty. Let’s move on to the really important news of the day.

At some point today during his four hour visit to the International Olympic Committee, the Dear Dope will have spent more time sucking up to that corrupt body on behalf of his even more corrupt adoptive home town – Chicago – than he has talking with his commander in Afghanistan.

Think about that one for a second. The Commander in Chief of all US armed forces will have spent more face to face time trying to secure the 2016 Olympic Games for Chicago than face to face time with ground commanders trying to secure the safety of US forces in harm’s way. That’s stunning.

It seems that securing a slop trough of graph, underhanded dealings and corruption for his Chicago thug buddies is more important than spending a bit of face time with his ground commanders trying to figure the best way to keep the most US forces alive.

And to answer Pillsbury Doughboy Press Secretary Bobby (think Bobby in the movie Deliverance or Bobby Hill here) Gibbs' question, “Well who is he rooting for?” I’m rooting for a permanent Olympic Village in Athens. Sure the US will have to build and maintain it for the next 1,000 years, but that cost has to be much cheaper than paying off the Dear Dope’s buddies in Chicago.

Oh, another bit of hypocrisy on the left. Remember the hue and cry about George Bush not attending any funerals for US troops killed in action? Well 48 service members have died since the ground commander in Afghanistan asked for more troops. Meanwhile the Dope has chowed down on arugula between filming stops on the 24-7 Dear Dopeathon TV show pushing another of his harebrained socialist ideas - Dear-Dope-a-Care. How many of the 48 funerals has the Dear Dope attended? Oh, nearly one. He would have attended one today but for the Olympic thing. But then in Dear Dope-a-speak, he can claim to have saved or created 48 funerals. Idiot!

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