Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Angry? No. Not today.

If you want to get drunk quick tonight, tune into MessNBC and drink a shot of whiskey every time a pundit on that cable debacle notes that the electorate is “angry.” Drink a shot every time they describe their fellow Americans as angry or some other synonym of the word.

For my part, I’m well past angry. There was good cause for someone to get “angry.”

I was angry when DOJ let the NBPP off.

I was incensed when AG Eric the wad Holder called us a “nation of cowards,” as if that pampered little weasel knows anything about courage.

I was irate about the beer summit and what made that photo op necessary.

I was mad as hell about having to “pass P-BOcare to find out what was in it.”

I was infuriated with a president who would bow down to comic world figures, princes, sheiks, commies, tyrants and the like.

I was really PO’d about the “stimulus” and still want to throw up every time I see one of those clever, “this project” with no one working within 100 miles of it “was funded by stimulus funds” signs.

I’d fume a bit every time some smug Lib know nothing, including P-BO, would use a disgusting sex slang when referring to Tea Partiers.

I was a bit hot under the collar when P-BO called his political opponents the “enemy.”

I was actually quite livid watching the arrogance of this president at the Bi-partisan P-BOcare meeting.

I got annoyed when this tone deaf president and his whole family were rushing from one vacation so that they could make the departure on another one.

I would actually get infuriated with Demo-Dopes when they would blame GWB for everything and anything under sun that went wrong when they had at least a part in creating the problem – Freddie and Fanny being the prime example.

But you know what? I’m not mad, angry or upset about anything today. Today I’m determined. I will crawl on my belly over broken glass, through fire, during a hurricane to vote.

Tonight I hope to sit back and watch what I hope are the first signs that the American people have had enough of this arrogant know nothing that they elected president. The worse it is for Demo-Dopes, the more time I intend to spend watching MessNBC which will be the gage for how the Demo-Dopes will move forward after what I hope is a world class @$$ whoopin’.

There will be plenty of time to get mad again. Today is not the day for it though.

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