Thursday, November 04, 2010

Everything is fine. Dopes need to double down on 2010's winning strategy

Well, after P-BO’s presser yesterday, it doesn’t seem as if he’s gotten the message. But yeah, we’ll see what happens when repeal of P-BOcare comes up. Going forward how can the Demo-Dopes avoid the same monumental @SS whoopin’ in 2012 that was delivered on Tuesday?

First, Demo-Dopes need to step up their verbal assaults on Americans. Demo-Dopes need to start calling more people who disagree with them racists. Well OK, they already call everyone who disagrees with them racists. They just need to be more in your/our faces with it. One thing we learned from this cycle, is that when called a racist by the nincompoops on MessNBC, Americans will immediately shut up. So keep it up.

In fact, they should gin up a few racial incidents. Get a black congressman to lie through his @$$ about being called a ni**er by a bunch of Tea Partiers. Yes, of course they did that, but they just need more of it.

Get totally credible people like Revs? Al and Jesse to make the accusations this time around. Nobody is has more credibility on faux racial incidents than these two faux Revs. Then fire up the enlightened party intellectuals, Janeane Garofolo and the like, and just shout racism at everyone.

Also, they need to minimize the Tea Party. Start by calling every one associated with that movement a racist. Yes they already do that, but they just need to pick it up a bit more. In addition, they need to come up with some sort of sex slang to describe the Tea Party. Of course they did that too, but just give us more of that hugely successful tactic.

Next, any Republican woman seeking office needs to be described as, a racist of course, but also a whore, slut and bitch. That’s how elections are won and the hearts and minds of the American people persuaded. So double down and give the American people more of that kind of stuff.

Then in addition to calling everyone who has the temerity to disagree with the Dope agenda a bigot, racist, homophobe, bitch, whore, slut and/or teabagger the Demo-Dopes need call them un-American. Of course they have done that from the start, but they just need more of it. As Tuesday’s results prove, Americans love that kind of stuff. No better way to pursued an American than to call her a bigoted, homophobic, un-American bitch. It works every time. They just need more of it.

Last, to show that you are really just one of the people, set up a 200 MILLION DOLLAR A DAY trip to India for yourself and THREE THOUSAND of your friends. Yes while Americans go wanting, you go and blow 200 MILLION DOLLAR A DAY on a business trip. Whatever you do, don't stay home and save a few bucks after an @$$ whoopin’ like Tuesday’s.

So by my estimation, there is no need for P-BO and his band of merry Dopes to change anything. Double down on their strategy until those/us rubes finally realize how great the Dopes and their MSM and Hollywood creeps are. Keep doing it. Why change who you are?

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