Wednesday, November 24, 2010

NK commie bastards and the Frozen Chosin

Well, well, well, it has been 60 years. 60 years since the UK recognized the commie bastards in Red China. That worked out well didn't it. In June of 1950 – 60 years ago, the commie bastards in Red China sent their surrogate North Korean army to invade the south. As everyone but recent public school graduates know, it was only a valiant effort by US troops at the Pusan perimeter that kept South Korea from going the way of Carthage.

It was the daring landing by Marines at Inchon that turned the tide on the commies. Cut off and trapped many 1,000s NK commies were killed or captured. Things were going swimmingly. The allies were marching north to eradicate commies from the Korean peninsula. The war would be over by Christmas. Over by Christmas, except for one thing, on Feb. 28, 1950 the commie bastards in Red China sent 10 divisions across the Yalu River to attack the 1st Marine Div at the Chosin Reservoir.

The red Chinese bastards had the Marine Div completely surrounded by 10 Divs supported by another 12 Divs. When made aware of the situation, Col. Chesty Puller remarked, “"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." When asked about being surrounded by the commie bastard Red Chinese Army, Puller quipped, “They are a damn site better than the U.S. Army. At least we know that they will be there in the morning." When asked if he would retreat, Puller said, “Retreat hell. We’re just attacking in a different direction.” Ending his remarks with, “There are not enough chinamen in the world to stop a fully armed Marine regiment from going where ever they want to go"

After being written off by the Army as lost, Chesty and the 1st MarDiv broke out from the Chosin taking with them all of their men, including the dead and wounded, all of their equipment and a good deal of the US Army 7th Div men and equipment. There is a standing joke among Marines when being ribbed by an Army guy about being dumb, “Yeah we may be dumb, but we’re still using the Army equipment we collected off the battlefield in Korea.”

So now the NK commie bastards, no doubt urged on by their Red Chinese commie bastard buds, are raising their ugly heads again. And just in time for Lex to relay a bit of the story of the “frozen Chosin” and true legend of the Corp Lewis B. (Chesty) Puller.

Unlike Afghanistan, it’s doubtful that P-BO will be able to find an impostor to pay off with millions of dollars to act as go between the NKs and the US here. ASIDE: Will P-BO count the paid off impostor among the 500,375,278,197,756,354 jobs he claims to have created or saved? And, why are we so concerned about Afghan impostors when we have an entire administration full of impostors pretending to be competent?

Oh yeah, if the battle of the Frozen Chosin was 60 years ago, beginning on Feb 28th, that means that while the 1st MarDiv was facing the down the commie hoards, John and Katie were celebrating the birth of their third child. How cool would it be to have a birthday that coincides with an epic Marine Corps battle? Short of being born on Nov. 10th , it has to be the best.

But 60 years! Wow, that’s old. How old?

If 18 is the age when you can buy your first beer (legally), 60 is the age when you’d trade every beer you ever stole off mom and dad’s back porch for one good glass of Merlot (For some odd reason that is pronounced mur-low. And wine drinkers wonder why beer drinkers call them snooty. We don’t call it bood-weezner)

If 20 is the age of looking forward to great opportunity, 60 is the age when you look back and try to remember where you put your damn glasses and car keys.

If 30 is the age of enlightenment, 60 is the age when you’ve forgotten what you were enlightened about and are relegated to calling on your 13 year old grandson to program your electronic devices.

If 40 is about the time that you begin to earn good money, 60 is the time that you’ve spent it all, or in Sis’s case lost it all down at the redneck Riviera.

If 50 is over the hill, 60 is a freight train barreling down Pike’s Peak with no breaks and a hair pin turn dead ahead. No, I didn’t rip that off from Unstoppable. It is just that great creative minds think alike. Besides, my sister is not a hugely popular black man. So any similarity between that analogy and Unstoppable is purely coincidental.

Happy Birthday Sis. Enjoy the 4 copies of the new Neal Diamond Dreams CD that you’ll be getting from the kids and hubby. The sad thing is, she’s such a fan, she’ll keep all four copies.


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