Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stuff 4 2 day

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (re-elect Sen. apparently) recently noted that “if he (P-BO) does well that means the country is doing well. “ Huh? YGBSM! He was doing well and was all smiles when the Dopes slammed Dope-a-care through. Was that good for the country? P-BO will be doing well if gets cap and tax passed, DADT repealed, an open border and a 90% tax rate on anyone with a job. Will that mean the country is doing well? 

P-BO is not a king and us surfs should not have worry whether or not the king is doing well.  Murkowski sounds more and more like a Demo-Dope every day.

P-Bo’s agenda and the Dope agenda are only good for America if you’re looking for ever creeping government nannyism. Remember, P-BO said he was going to transform America. Into what? A nanny state? P-BO is well on his way to wrecking the country. Does that mean we’re “doing well” Lisa?

Then Lisa had to show her female dog side. She whined about Sarah Palin lacking the “intellectual curiosity” to be president. Coming from I got my job from daddy after I couldn’t pass the bar exam Murkowski, that has to be compliment. And it the always the meme of the Dopes for the candidate they fear most. Reagan was an amiable dunce, who led us to the longest period peacetime prosperity in our history. GWB was an idiot who managed better grades in college than either of the two intellectually curious Demo-Dopes he ran against. Now Sleeza Murkowski has to air her dirty laundry about Palin to mental giant Katie Couric. Hey Sleeza, she may not be intellectually curious but she kicked your old man’s @$$ all the way up the intercostals of AK.

Last on this old hag. She seems to think it a good idea to stand up for earmarks. You go girl. That is wining issue. The intellectually curious all across this great land think the bridge to nowhere was a great idea. We’re saddled with this walking talking sack of crap for another 6 years. Thanks AK. 

But it's ok.  We knew this would take at least two election cycles.  This last cycle was the put on the breaks cycle.  2012 is the get back on track cycle.

Demo-Dope "leadership."  Demo-Dopes, proving that they deserve the tag that they have been awarded here on the Lex page, have returnned the grand loser to her leadershpip position. After suffering the worst political @$$whippin’ in history, they brought back not just P-loser but the entire leadership team that dragged them to crushing defeat on the 2nd. Grand Fran Nan P-loser was elected by the Dope caucus as their leader. That would be like the Republicans running Nixon again in 76. But hey, as dad always said, “When someone hands you a gift, don’t try to give it back. Just say ‘thank you.’”

One more thing on the airport scanner mess. Lex advocated profiling in the post a couple under in lieu of strip searches at the airport. For using that term and disagreeing with P-BO on just about everything, I am a racist. So let’s not use the ugly word profiling. Instead let’s use the euphemism “statistical probability.”

Every business does this when selecting an advertising campaign, colors for their logo, what play to run on third and four from your own 40 yard line, how much food to buy, etc. etc. So the next time TSA pulls Akmed al B-a-dumbass out of line for smelling like a bomb, they need to explain that, “NO! This is not profiling. Profiling is a racist practice. This is statistical probability.” They did a whole tv series on this method called “Numbers” and no one from CAIR, the ACLU, NBPP, the Rainbow Coalition or NAACP protested or boycotted the show.

It’s the old - there are five white guys in one group and five black guys in another group. Which one is the hockey team and which is the basketball team. You may not know one thing other than the color of their skin, but statistically you could with about 99.99% certainty tell which is which. And you’d be a racist if you did before giving them all full body scans. Never has common sense been so uncommon.

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