Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cultural rot? Nhaa, stay on the easy path

To my way of thinking, the proximate cause of Trayvon Martin’s death was choosing to hit a man in the face who had not done one thing to him.  Isn’t that what this boils down to?  No first punch, no fight.  No fight, no shot from George Zimmerman’s gun.  Everything leading up to that moment does not matter one wit.

It’s that simple for me.  I don’t understand how this thing got so twisted.  No wait.  I do know.

The race hustling industry in America has twisted the case like the curly fries at the Steak and Shake.  When they say there was no justice for Trayvon, what they mean is that they’d rather see an innocent man go to jail for defending himself against man – not a kid – who hit him in the face and was beating his head into the sidewalk.

The reaction says it all.  Instead of using the occasion of perceived injustice to teach children not to hit people in the face who have in no way harmed them, they take the occasion to damage property, create chaos and loot.

In essence they are saying, “We will honor the memory of Trayvon by, like him, attacking people who have in no way harmed us and had nothing to do with the trial.”  Brilliant!  This all goes back to the theory of how easy it is to be a leftist.  If it feels good just do it.

Per usual, the entertainment industry, athletes, lapdog media and leftist pols are all on board and in lock-step with the idiocy.  Restraint would take effort.  Why exert an effort in this day and age?  Few if any are taking the occasion to call for calm.  Eric the wad Holder told a black audience that he “shared their concern.”  What concern?  That black thugs are not being permitted to hit people in the face willy-nilly and pound their heads on concrete without fear of being shot?

Twitter is ablaze with all manner of “star” calling for revenge for Trayvon.  OK they don't say "revenge," but it's pretty clear what they mean.  One Fox News Leftist, Juan Williams, complained that there certainly was no justice for Trayvon’s parents.  Huh?  His point being that they had a dead child and somehow somebody had to pay for that, irrespective how culpable that child was in contributing to his own death.

He hangs his hat on the facts that if:
Zimmerman followed 911 operator instructions not follow Martin
Not carried a loaded gun
Hadn’t had a round in the chamber
Hadn’t pulled the gun and shot Martin

Martin would be alive.  All good and fine, Juan.  But Zimmerman did nothing illegal in any of those what ifs.  Poor judgment?  Maybe.  But if we’re going to lock people up for poor judgment, the entire LB @$$clown administration would behind bars right now.

What Williams and the other Trayvon Martin race hustlers seem to be able to do in their own minds is ignore the key event that led to Martin’s death.  That event was Martin choosing to hit Zimmerman in the face.

Now think about that one.  Think back to the teenage years, how many of your 17 year old friends would even consider hitting someone in the face unprovoked, let alone an adult?  Cultural rot?  Naaa, everything’s fine.  Just keep taking the easy road.  Self-discipline is a drag.  Only old white guys are even engaging in that activity anymore.

For me, the key teaching point for teens here is that, they can only control their own actions.  Had Martin controlled his reaction to Zimmerman following him and just jogged home he’d be alive.  Had he chosen to speak respectfully to Zimmerman, he’d be alive.

Instead, Martin chose to punch Zimmerman in the face.  What Martin couldn’t know and couldn’t control was Zimmerman’s reaction to being violently assaulted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
As the "national conversation" revolves to concussions in football, motorcycle helmets, and the fears of skin cancer from global warming, how can it be safe for someone getting their head pounded into a concrete sidewalk? We are being conditioned to backslap the window attendant at McDonalds for trying to kill us with Big Mac's. If Zimmerman now needed a drool cup from a severe head injury no one would know his name.