Monday, July 01, 2013

Monday morning alibis

As the popcorn roiled into full popping mode last week Lex missed a couple of critical stories.  So that you’ll know what to think about these topics, I’ll give you a quick blast on each below.

DOMA:  As the 3 readers of Lex know, I don’t care if homosexuals get married.  I do believe it’s a violation of natural law and bastardizes 5,000 years of history, but if Bruce and Harlan want to live happily ever after and “say” they are married and say they have a pig as a pet when it is clearly a cat , have at it.

What does pee me off is the double d-bag at the Supreme Court telling me I’m motivated by an “improper animus” against a “politically unpopular group” I wish to “disparage,” “demean,” and “humiliate” as “unworthy” simply because I believe the best way for society to organize itself is with families headed up by one man and one woman.  Justice Kennedy, the double d-bag who wrote that mess, is precisely the one disparaging, demeaning and humiliating people with his opinion that never argues fact or law but just says anyone who might disagree with him is loathsome cretin, therefore the law is struck down. 

It might even work if I cared one wit about what some pampered dope in a black robe thought about me.

Bottom line is it shouldn’t matter one bit if Kennedy is right and everyone who disagrees with him is all the things he says they are.  What should matter in this case is the Constitution and the law.

LB’s look-a-like son’s murder trial:  So if LB had a third daughter or a sister, would she look like Rachel Genteal? 

I watched the coverage on this poor woman and was amazed that it had to do with everything EXCEPT what she was brought to the table to shed light on: what happened when as white as LB white Hispanic George Zimmerman shot twice as black as LB Trayvon Martin. 

What did she bring?  NOTHING.  Not one thing.  If anything, she muddied the prosecutions case. 

If she could have had a written a deposition and had it read in court - by someone who could read cursive, the best the prosecution could hope for was to show twice as black as LB Trayvon was alive before his encounter with the creepy ass cracker - who happens to be as white as LB. 

The rest is all theatrics.   Who cares if she is a somewhat ignorant dope who’s education and demeanor are the products of public schools and a Demo-Dope controlled inner city?  Who cares if she’s a racist, dope smoking, under aged drinking product of the modern welfare system?  She brought absolutely no clearer understanding of what happened on the night the creepy ass cracker ran into twice as black as LB Trayvon and shot him to death.  She couldn’t do that if she were a self made millionaire MENSA member, because she did not see anything.  So her testimony was a bust.

But just as in the Kennedy case above, the facts of the case, the law and the evidence are less interesting and therefore less relevant than Genteal’s Sci-Fi hair-do, lazy way of speaking, writing a letter she can’t read, calling the defense lawyer an “as ho” and “retarded” or any matter of fact pertaining to the case.  And if you point any of this out, you are, of course, a RAAAAAAACIST!!!!!!!!!! 

And that’s the nub.  If Zimmerman was as black as LB instead of as white as LB there wouldn’t even be a trial.  If Zimmerman was some gang guy nobody would even give a hoot about the shooting.  How many trials of gang murders in Chicago are on the national news?  NBC doctored the 9-11 call and dubbed Zimmerman a “white” Hispanic and the race baiters are on the case.  It doesn’t matter how much a punk Trayvon had morphed into since the darling 6-8 year old pictures of him used by media BS artists.

Immigration:  Here’s all you really need to know.  Section 5(b)(1) of the immigration bill  reads:
Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish a strategy, to be known as the ‘Southern Border Fencing Strategy’ . . .

On the other hand, Section 5(b)(5) reads:
Notwithstanding paragraph (1), nothing in this subsection shall require the Secretary to install fencing . . .

The fence will not be built.

Wind Turbines:  Ugly, an eyesore, loud, expensive, inefficient, waste of good farm land, other than making green weenies feel good, serve no useful purpose – except, as it turns out to kill rare birds.

Parks lose 1,000s of weapons:  Yeah, why do park rangers need 1,000s of weapons?  Why aren’t they keeping track of them?  Have they checked with Eric the wad Holder?  Maybe he sold them to narco-terrorists in Mexico.  Seems to me the only ones who can’t be trusted with guns in America work for the government.

Aaron Hernandez gets cut from Patriots:  Turns out, now that Ray Lewis has retired, the Baltimore Ravens have a slot open for a player involved in a couple of murders.

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