Friday, July 19, 2013

Virtue and everything good is under assault

Several posts under Lex noted how truly gutless “liberals” are.  Liberals are like water always seeking the path of least resistance which as it turns out - like water - seeks its own level and is always a downhill course for culture and the nation.

That led to the discussion of how the Demo-Dope Party ruined the term “liberal” by turning on its ear.  That leaves leftist, anarchists, dopes, fools, lazy buffoons and a plethora of other modifiers to use in place of the once noble term “liberal.”  All of the founders were true classical liberals.  So from now on, I’ll adopt Mark Levine’s term for leftist buffoons, which is “statist.”  That is people who put the primacy of the state ahead of individual liberty.

Now, let’s expand the pool of gutless choices to include the choice between virtue and vice.  As a society how are we doing?  I’d submit, not very well.

Every institution that requires self-discipline and restraint is under assault in the country.  The military, Churches and the Boy Scouts are notable today.  They will soon go the way of the 4th estate, movies, music, TV and Broadway sliding down the hill of moral relativism into the cesspool that that is quickly gathering up every institution that once made America a great county.

Thomas Jefferson said it well: “No government can continue good but under the control of the people; and … their minds are to be informed by education what is right and what wrong; to be encouraged in habits of virtue and to be deterred from those of vice… These are the inculcations necessary to render the people a sure basis for the structure and order of government.”

John Adams said it better: Liberty can no more exist without virtue … than the body can live and move without a soul.”

And Thomas Paine said it best: “When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.”

So where does this “virtue” come from?  Parents, school, church and friends are the key institutions that form a child’s perception of right and wrong.  Parents are being eased out of the formula by states adopting all-day pre-school which is nothing more than state-sponsored day-care.  Public school have been a hot-bed of Statist BS for the last 40. They no more teach right from wrong than Satan himself would.  The main teaching point in schools these days is - if it feels good do it.  Churches have been under assault by Hollywood and the lapdog media for some time.  Now, with the implementation of Robertscare and the near adoption of homosexual marriage as a “civil right,” every aspect of faith will be tested in the courts and ultimately decided by an unelected and unaccountable Supreme Court.  Even the 1st Amendment right to choose your friends is under assault by the government.  The Tea Party and religious tax exempt organizations are singled out for harassment by the IRS, the FBI, the EPA and every other government department that can make it harder to join like minded people.

I gotta run but you get the gist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
IRS and Tea Party and why? So the highest office holder in America can cheat an election. Journalists being bugged to be intimidated. The DOJ blatantly violating Zimmerman's civil rights, while threatening to sue Zimmerman for concocted civil rights violations. It is the will of the people that keep the nation together and not vice versa. The virtue must be in the people before it can select virtuous leaders. That is in question now.