Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Paying our friends to be friends

While Egypt burns, Grand Duke Dumbazz plays golf.  The Dumbazz Duke’s Sec State is out wind surfing.  So yeah, we’re in pretty good shape in the Middle East.

I’ve listened to all of the crap about cutting off “aide” to Egypt and not cutting off aide to Egypt.  Here’s what needs to be done.  The money is cut off and among other things specifically earmarked to resume tours of the White House.

Aide to Egypt is a misnomer.  99.99% of the “aide” goes the Egyptian military as an incentive, bribe, donation, kickback, blackmail pay off to keep them from attacking Israel or $h!t canning the Camp David accords.  Yeah, that’s how you do things in the Middle East - pay governments to be your “friend.”  Yeah, I was pretty good friends with the school bully as long as I gave him my lunch money.  Eff, em!  I don’t think Egypt has the where with all to attack Israel again or the stomach for another heinous azz whipping if they do.

When you deal with the devil, expect to get burned.  We’ve funneled all that money to Egyptian military to stay out of Israel and to keep Islamo-Terror-Fascists in the area under control. No wait.  That would indicate the 12th century dwelling rank and file were at any time under control.  Let’s say, he entire region could be a worse breeding ground for world instability than it was prior to the Dumbazz Duke inheriting his Dukedom.  In one fell swoop the incompetent Duke Dumbazz let the whole thing go south.

Now the entire region could spin out of control.  I cannot wait until gas goes to $8 a gal after the Middle East blows up again and the Duke Dumbazz and the Republi-Rats start talking to us about “energy independence.”  Any life-long pol who uses the term “energy independence” needs to be horse whipped.  These life-long corruptocrats have been talking that BS since the 70s.  Yet here we sit 40+ years later as vulnerable to Middle East BS as ever.

It is exactly the same as the levies in New Orleans.  Everyone knew the levies needed improvement, but money for the work was siphoned away so Demo-Dopes could buy votes.  Then Katrina hits and the corruptocrats look astounded.

The same is true in the Middle East.  Everyone knows dealing with these 12th century dwellers is not good for us.  We are currently funding both sides of the war on terror.  Oh wait.  We are now funding both sides of “over seas contingency operations” and “man made disasters” at home.  Apparently, for dope pols, it’s easier to deal with 12th century dwellers in the Middle East than it is to deal with the EPA and Green Peace at home.

The end will be the same as well.  There will be a catastrophe that will cost 10,000 times more in the future than doing the right thing right now.

On top of all of this is the persecution of Egyptian Christians.  After pulling the aide money, Egyptian General Sisi needs to get a very clear message through the back channels, that if the persecution doesn’t stop, he, General Sisi, will feel the pain.  Maybe that’s too much to ask from a government more interested with spying on Americans than America’s enemies.

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